Page 76 - 2018 Yearbook
P. 76

By Max Habeck and Jack Smith
1. Justin Manrao (11), Hannah Lazarus (12), and Josh Galloway (11) discuss a controversial article from The Wall Street Journal. The Current Events class is no stranger to debates and heated discussions, as it encourages students to develop their own opinions and share them with peers.
2. Mr. Stromeyer listens intently to an enthralling conversation among the students. As a new teacher and a Priory alumnus, Mr. Stromeyer has brought a fresh perspective to the elective offerings with his Current Events class.
3. A lineup of students’ choices for “Person of the Week” adorns the walls of Mr. Stromeyer’s classroom. The course is designed to expose students to the multifaceted, complex information released via news sources, and to broaden their minds in order to become well-informed citizens.
4. Hannah peruses the latest copy of The New York Times as Josh ponders what he has just read. These students have honed their critical thinking skills and are ready to contribute their insights to increasingly complex discourse.
5. Lauren Kastanis (12) sips tea as she reads an intriguing Wall Street Journal article regarding the immigration debate. The Current Events class is designed not to be high stress, but rather to provide a platform for students to relax while having engaging conversations with one another.

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