Page 6 - Priorities #15 2001-July
P. 6

Spring at
Woodside Priory choirs and orchestras were the top performers at a music festival this spring, bringing home five gold medals and two trophies. Judges complimented Priory’s music faculty for music selection, as well as student training and preparation. Students shared the experience with other schools on a four-day cruise to Ensenada, Mexico. See more photos, plus photos of the Cookies n’ Classics individual student recital, on the WPS website.
Aubrey Rawlins, Harvey Jones and Claudia Meyer move convincingly as monkeys
composing something important, maybe Hamlet, in “Words, Words, Words.” The piece was one of five one-act plays presented by the Priory drama department and an all- high-school cast. It was the department’s fourth public show of the year.
It was the Middle School’s best against the parents in a first annualgymeventthisspring. NearlyeveryMSstudentplayed at least one team sport this year and they’re always ready for pickup games.

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