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01) NUOVO MUSEO DEL COLOSSEO AL CELIO                           Francesco Petrone
   type: Master’s Degree Project

   site: Rome
   year: 2018-2019
   The Colosseum valley and the roman forum are one of the most important archeological sites
   in the world still under-exploited. Hundreds of archeological remains from this area laid for al-
   most a century in the adjacent Antiquarium on Celio hill. Today the area of antiquarium is inac-
   cessible and without a function. Actually this building is very damaged because of the foun-
   dation soil and the works for the construction of the metro station in the fascist period. This
   Master’s Degree thesis attempts to design a new museum for Colosseum like Tschumi in Athens.
   The  project  is  focused  on  different  lines  of  research:  recovery,  design  and  structural  checking.
   -Recovery of the Antonio Muñoz wall. This wall is an historical perspective axis that frames on Colos-
   seum and Costantine Arch.

   -Design of a new urban centrality that not only hosts permanentand temporary exhibitions and their re-
   lated turists but also the citizens who want to live this area every day. (Auditorium, Restaurant, etc..)
   -Structural checking by using the CSI SAP 2000 computing programme to ensure that the structure be
   stress-resistant and keep the weight of the wall that we want to recover and reuse inside the museum.

   Urban Strategies

   Hypogeal Museum                            Privileged View

   The Intermediate
                                              Three Square

   Scattered Museum

                                              System of the

   of the area
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