Page 212 - Bài 1 ok_Neat
P. 212

               Carabiners are manufactured in several popular shapes (Figure 28), which primarily
                   •  Oval: Symmetrically shaped with smooth regular curves.  The oval design places
                       the load on both the solid spine and the gate side, which eliminates off-axis
                   •  Asymmetrical D-shape: The asymmetrical lopsided shape transfers the majority
                       of their load onto the spine, which is the carabiner's strongest axis.  These are

                       utilized in a standard in rescue load applications.

                   Figure 28- Carabiner Shapes. Images © Petzl

                   •  Modified/Offset-D: Very similar in design and function as a D-shape carabiner.
                       The main difference is the exaggerated asymmetrical design, allowing for an
                       even wider gate opening.
                   •  Pearbiner/HMS: Specialized oversized offset-D (pear-shaped) used in belaying

                       and in conjunction with the Italian (Munter) Hitch. HMS is an acronym for
                       “Halbmastwurf sicherung”, which in German means “half clove hitch”, another
                       name for an Italian Hitch.

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