Page 77 - ORION-United Civilizations, Issue #9
P. 77

UFO Story | Roswell, NM
  UFO Story | Roswell, NM
In July 1947, something happened northwest of Roswell during a severe thunderstorm. Was it a flying saucer? Was it a weather balloon? What happened? The answer is, nothing for many years, until leading UFO researcher Stanton Friedman came across the story in the early 1980s and began the search for ...
The Bizarre UFO Crash at Kecksburg | Mysterious Universe
The Bizarre UFO Crash at Kecksburg | Mysterious Universe
Alleged UFO crashes always generate interest, these cases of possible aliens from another word finding themselves stranded on Earth. There is a surprisingly large number of such accounts, yet some of these are not as well known as Roswell, and a few have managed to remain mostly relatively obscure.
Welcome to Earth!: Strange Cases of Human Attacks on UFOs and Aliens | Mysterious Universe
He would then collect tissue and blood samples and purportedly send them to a researcer called “W.C. Levengood” for analysis, who would allegedly inform him that they were most certainly not only not human, but unlike anything seen before, even going as far as to say they were the smoking gun for the existence of aliens.
The Time the Russians Found a Derelict Alien Spaceship in Orbit
The Time the Russians Found a Derelict Alien Spaceship in Orbit | Mysterious Universe
In 1979, the Soviet astrophysicist Sergei Boshich came forward with the spectacular claim t he had found evidence of what he called a crippled alien spacecraft that had broken up int pieces and was hovering in orbit.
      Welcome to Earth!: Strange Cases of Human Attacks on
  UFOs and Aliens | Mysterious Universe
  h o

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