Page 79 - ORION-United Civilizations, Issue #9
P. 79

From UFO to Spy Plane: An Answer to Some UFO
  Encounters? | Mysterious Universe
    From UFO to Spy Plane: An Answer to Some UFO Encounters? | Mysterious Universe
“As reported by components of the US Air Defense Command, an unidentified flying objec (UFO) was tracked by US radars on a relatively straight course from the eastern tip of Long Island to the vicinity of Buffalo.
Some Really Completely Bonkers Alien Encounter Cases | Mysterious Univers
Our first weird case comes from 1973, in the U.S. state of Alabama near the small town of Falkville. On October 17, 1973, a panicked woman called into police to report that she had seen a UFO land in a field right outside of town, and an incredulous police officer named J Greenhaw went off to investigate, no doubt thinking that he was dealing with some nutcas
The Cryptoterrestrials: 10 Years After Publication
The Cryptoterrestrials: 10 Years After Publication | Mysterious Universe
A friend pointed out to me yesterday that March 1, 2020 was the 10th “anniversary” of the publication of the late Mac Tonnies’ book The Cryptoterrestrials.No, I didn’t know. But, on checking, sure enough March 1, 2010 was indeed the date.
Bizarre Cases of UFOs Dogfighting Other UFOs
Bizarre Cases of UFOs Dogfighting Other UFOs | Mysterious Universe
At first there appeared in the middle of the sun two blood-red semi-circular arcs, just like t moon in its last quarter. And in the sun, above and below and on both sides, the color was blood, there stood a round ball of partly dull, partly black ferrous color.
 Some Really Completely Bonkers Alien Encounter Cases

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