Page 2 - Spring Newsletter2024
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Welcome to your Spring 2024 Newsletter and a big thank you
                    as always to all who contribute such interesting pieces to share
                    on these pages.  Once again, if you’d prefer a paper copy of this
                    or future Newsletters just ask our secretary and she will post
                    one out to you as they are also still being printed.

                    I honestly didn’t know what to write about this time in the Ed’s
        little piece and then, quite by chance, this popped up on my phone.  It’s so
        true and is the perfect thought to add here:
            “Animals have come to mean so much in our lives.  We live in a
            disconnected culture.  Politics are ugly, religion is struggling,
            technology is stressful, and the economy is unfortunate.
            What’s one thing that we have in our lives that we can depend on?
            A dog or a cat loving us unconditionally, every day, very faithfully.”
                                                                    Jon Kat
        We are so lucky to have Keeshonds to share our lives with.
        Spring at last has sprung!                  Editor (Kit Wadmore-Smith)


         3     Secretarial Notes            24    Annual Club Trophies

         4     Obituaries                   26    October Open Show
         7     Keeshond Welfare             28    Playing - S Lindsay

         8     Bitter Sweet - J Naylor      30    Mantrailing - A Downs
         10   Evenlode - J Saunders         33    Onward and Upward…
                                                  - A Wadmore
         13   Health Notes - A Marfleet     35   I am a Hoarder - S Newman
         14   Health, the Internet and      36    The Good Egg Award
              Social Media, a force for good.
              - J Saunders                  37    Kit on Kit - K Wadmore-Smith

         17   Allergies - V Marshall        38    Farewell Tribute
         18   Patter of little Paws - A     Back cover - Diary, Welcomes
              Marfleet                            and Committee.
         19  The Power Of The Dog -
              J Naylor
                                          Contributions for the Autumn
         20   Fundraising
                                           2024 Newsletter gratefully received.
         22  Ye Olde Keeshond Shoppe     Please send to Kit:
                                           Deadline 13th Aug 2024
         23   With Our Pals…
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