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P. 2

Calga1y Population                                   Calgary Stamp�cle Park                    1\1118 P18
                1 _,285,711                                    1410-0lympic Way SE                   403 261-0101
                                                               Calgary Stampede Ticket 403,269-9822
          T ouris1n Calgarv                                    Calgary Sorcer Centre                     1\1128 C3
  Tourism Calgary Central                 1\1114 1\1111        7000-48 St SE                         403 279-8445

   200 -238- 11 AV SW                   403 263-851"0  Calgary                                    1\1113 L1 O
  or 1-800-661-167 8'                                          101-9'Ave SW                          403 266-7171
  https:/ /v1,'\vlv.                               'h ttps: //,v"i, 'W., calgr1ryto,ver .cont
  Tour.ism Calgary Airport                 1\1122 AS            Calgary Zoo &

   2000 AirporfRD NE                   403 735-1234             Prehistoric Park                         1\1124 D4
   An-ivals Level                                               1'.300-Zoo Rd NE                     403 232-9300
  Places of Interest in Calgary                                      ·btt))s:/l�\-"\V\V.

 .Blackfoot Motoc:ycle Park  1\1127 D2                          Canada O.lympic Park
 htt1)s:/ / ,v_,v,v. ,                            Hall  of Fame 8'fl Canada                1\1123  2
                                                                            Olympic Rd SW  403�247-.5452
 5.4 AV & Burbank RD SE                                              J1 ttps: /1,v,v,v  insportshall. ca
  Bow Habitat Station                                          Canada's $ports Hall of Fame                                           169-Canada Olympic Rd SW  1\1123 C2
  httns:/ I �,"v,v.                                 403-776-'1040

  1440-17A Street SE  403-297-6561                             Deane House Histori� Site
 Butterfield Acres                                             & Restaurant.                             1\.124 D4
 Information                         403 547-3595              806-9 Ave SE                          40.3-290-f875
 https:-/ /,v,v,v.. bu tterfielchicr�s. coin                            · htt }s://,"'v,
  North on Crowchild Trail then turn                             Devonian Gardens
 right on Rocky Ridge Rd                                         i4 Fir TD Squai'e                       1\16 18

 254077 Rocky Ridge Rd NW                                        3:17- 7 Ave SW                      408,-:264-0595
                                                                     )tttps: //\vw,v  .. c�
                 Main Office  403 239-0638
 Calaway Park                                                    Fish Creek                               l\130B4
                                                                 Provincial Park 15979
 Springbank R D   out West .of Calgary                           -Bow Bottom Trail SE                403.297-52.93
  & Trans Canada HWY  403 240-3824                            https: / /-�vw,v:albertaparks.  ca /fish-creek

 Calgary Chinese Cultural                                       Fort Calgary Histor i c Park  1VI15R8  1\1110 J2
 ·https: //,v,,'\v. culturalcen tre. ca                         750-9 Ave SE.                     403-290-1875
 Centre  197.:.1 St SW               403 262.,.5071               11.ttps:  //,v,v,v.  fortcalgary. coin
 Calgary City Hall                                              Heritage Park  Village                   l\127B3

 700-Macleod Trail SE                    1\1114 NS              1900-Heritage Dr SW                 403 268-850,0
        For City Services call- 311                              J1ttps://,v,v,v,
 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR  M14 N8                                    lngle1Nood 8ird;Sanctuary                 l\125A5

  70.0-Macleod Trail SE               403 268-5622              2426-9 AveSE                       403268-2489
  After Hours                               311                  httt)S: /1'vVl'\Y. "isi tcalgary. co1i1
  Aldermanic Offices City Hall                                  Oym�1c  ·   Ova1  1VI24A2                    Layout
  3rd ancl 4th Flooi•s                    1\1114 NS             2500-University Or NW  40��220-7§54

  700-Macleod Trail SE                403 268-2430               httvs: //,v,v,v,
  Calgary Flames Hockey Club                                              ..                       -    �

 Scotiabank  Saddled<;>me 535                                   Sam .Livingst'bn
   -Saddledome Rise SE                   1\118 P16              Fish Hatchery                           1VI25A4
  H6ckey Tickets                     403 777-4646               1440- 17 SE                     40.3 297-.6561
  Event Information                   403 777-4636

  Lost & Found                       403  777-4639              Scottabank Saddledome                      1Vl18P15
     Ca1ga1y Police Se1vice Interpret ve                         555,Saddledome
                                                                                    Rise SE  "403-777-4646
    Cti-e                   h  tt11s: //\v,v,v.scotiabanksaddle dome. com
  5111-47 St NE  403-425-4566 1\1122 B7
  littJ)s://,vw,v.youthlinkcalgary.co1n                          Sp1:uce Me·aaows  1801'1·-               1Vl29B5

     Calgary Stampeders Football Club                             Spruce M;eadows Way  40.3 97 4-4200
  /McMahon Stadium                         1\124 B2               RR9         Calgary
  1817-Crowchild Tr NW                  403 289-0205                 https: / /v."\'t'\V. sprucemeadows. com

      https: //,v,v,
 Ticket Office                          403.289-0258              T§!IUs Spc1r.k  2.20                     l\124D3
 General Office            F h         403  289-0205               St.Ge.orcie's Drive NE 403-817�9800
 Stamps' Store                         403 289-444'1                  \1ttps.://,vw\-v: calgary
 Ticket Master                          403 777-0000
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