Page 19 - CSIR IGIB Sparks Issue 1 Oct 2023
P. 19

CSIR - Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology

                                              Women Who Inspire

             Selected entries from the Sci-Art and Sci-Poem competitions {held within the institute) are
                                               published in   this section.

                                                            Art by Himanshi Kapoor

            Science without women

            The world would still have turned o n   its own without romance
            Science without women would not have made any sense.
            If it wasn't for their self-interest and  rebellion
            Books would  have been oblivious to 'woman' kind whose count is  half of- if the population wasa

            With her smartness and skills, she learned to turn her own world upside down
            And  proved that she was more than a nurturer who can touch the sky with her feet still on  the
            But imagine a world where 'her' wings were still clipped,
            Science with only men,  such a world would definitely have flipped.

            Men would have been  perplexed, fiddling with images of x-ray crystallography,
            If it wasn't for Franklin, would  Francis, Crick, and Wilkins ever have scored a trophy?
            It  was a woman who wrote thousands and thousands of codes to help man  reach outer space,
            If there was n o   XX prevalent, would an  XY exist in   the first place?
            An ailing life would still have thrived if DNA was left untouched
            If it wasn't for the potential of CRISPR CAS9 system that Duodna and  Charpentier repurposed!
            Imagine a world where a cure after diagnostics was not possible, all  because there was a Curie

            Even considering a world of science without women is an  issue worth taking to the jury.
            So,  let's keep this endless discussion to a n   end  and  raise a toast with champagne
            Science needs both  men  and women, they both are equally essential, please support this

            -Saumya Sharma, CSIR-IGIB

                                                                                Sparks Vol:1  Issue: 1,October 2023   1 7
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