Page 2 - आपका जीनोम
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Sawir Bramachari sparked off the idea of writing such a book and
rekindled the lame every time it twreatened to be snuffed out. Manoj
Harikaran, Tarpritesh Singh nd many colleagues at Institute of
GenOmics and Tntegrative kologY tended to the project whenever we
were about to give up in despair. Nancy Wexler and Sanan Habeeb enriched
the book by permitting reproduction of figures The Humam Genome
Organiz ation and counal of Scientitic and Tndustrid Research ensured
that it reaches hundreds of students at the satelite session of the
Human genOme Meeting, z008. THANK You!!
-Beena Pilla and Vaibhav Tadihav