P. 9


                                           NECESSITY AND SUGGESTION

                  Kompetendi Dasar
                   3.3     Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi

                           sosial  menyatakan        dan  menanyakan  tentang  keharusan  dan  himbauan
                           melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, sesuai  dengan konteks

                   4.3     Menyusun  teks  lisan  dan  tulis  untuk  menyatakan  dan  menanyakan  tentang

                           keharusan dan himbauan melakukan suatu tindakan, dengan memperhatikan
                           fungsi  sosial,  struktur  teks,  dan  unsur  kebahasaan  yang  benar  dan  sesuai


                  Let’s learn :
                      •  To express and ask about necessity
                      •  To make and ask for suggestions using let’s and why don’t
                      •  To use the modal should to express necessity

                            Expressing necessity                     Making suggestions

                          (should + V1/infinitive)                    (Let’s and Why don’t)

                       •  You  should  finish  your  work     •  Let’s watch the movie.
                          soon.                               •  Let’s listen to the news.

                       •  You should study hard.              •  Why don’t we open the door?

                       •  You should wash your face.          •  Why don’t you turn on the lamp?
                       •  You should have a rest.

                  Activity 1
                  Adam and Salma are meeting with the team. Listen to their conversation.

                  Salma  : Well, what dance are we going to perform in the festival?
                  Dina  : Why don’t  we perform the Tempurung dance?

                  Reno  : Uh, I’m sorry, but I don’t  know the dance.

                  Adam  : I don’t  know it either.
                  Dina  : Well, it’s a traditional dance from West  Sumatra.

                  Reno  : Why don’t  you demonstrate it to us? We’ll watch.
                  Salma  : I think that’s  a good idea. Come on, Dina. You should show us.

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