Page 134 - Zero Net Energy Case Study Buildings-Volume 1
P. 134
Zero Net Energy Case Study Buildings: Volume 1
Many thanks to the following clients, users and designers of these ZNE buildings who gave generously of their time to provide all of the information and insights into various aspects of their design and performance. They share an obvious pride in their work and a commitment to the goal of a future of sustainably designed buildings.
Craig Neyman, Vice-President and CFO, David & Lucile Packard Foundation
For the perspective of the client on the vision, design and use of a zero-net-energy building, particularly as the organization’s culture affects these.
Juan Uribe, Building Engineer, David & Lucile Packard Foundation
In particular, for the insights into the unique building control system at the Packard Founda- tion Headquarters building.
Sandy Dubinsky, COO, Sacred Heart Schools
For the discussion of the practical application of a “high bar” set by a strong client vision.
Thomas Lollini, Campus Architect. Associate Vice Chancellor Physical Planning, Design & Construction, University of California, Merced
For insights into the Zero Energy vision goal for the UC Merced campus and the integrated design approach mandated for all new buildings
John Elliott, Former Director of Sustainability, University of California, Merced, now Director of Sustainability at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
For detailed information about the experience with the two case study buildings and all of the practical issues associated with ensuring the high performance of the design
Julian Ho, Ashby Shaw and Varick Erickson, graduate students and facility assistants at UC Merced
For the explanations about their work with the monitoring and reporting of the energy per- formance of all new buildings at UC Merced, their ongoing efforts to create improved per- fornance and, in particular, for the extra time spent pulling together the data reports for this publication.
Kevin Silviera, Building Engineer, Watsonville Water District
For the time spent resolving data issues and answering the many questions about opera- tions of the Water Resources Center
Pauline Souza, Partner, Director of Sustainability, WRNS Studio
For the attentive support in assembling all the information about two zero-net-energy proj- ects and facilitating the answers to a steady stream of questions.
Shannon Allison, Associate, Integral Group
For the technical information and ready responses to the steady stream of questions about the energy modeling and measured data.
Jon Roberts, Senior Scientist, The Cadmus Group, Inc.
For the special time and effort to break out the measured energy use of the Stevens Library into the various categories and the detailed tabulation of PV production.
Kacey Jurgens, Principal Architect at Thomas Hacker & Associates
For the additional work on the drawings for the Classroom & Office Building at UC Merced and providing her own photographic work of this project