Page 135 - Zero Net Energy Case Study Buildings-Volume 1
P. 135

 David Kaneda, Managing Principal at The Integral Group
For the detailed information about the design and performance issues for his IDeAs Office Building and the measures taken to improve the building’s performance, including insights into general issues about meters and control systems.
Christina Liebner, Project Engineer at The Integral Group, and John Hauge, Energy Model- ing Engineer
For the extra effort to organize the modeling and performance data for the IDeAs Office Building
David Hurley, Project Manager at EHDD Architecture
For the discussions of the design of the Science and Engineering Building I at UC Merced
Scott Shell, Principal at EHDD Architecture
For the assistance with the detailed information about the IDeAs Office Building
Brad Jacobson, Senior Assoicate at EHDD Architecture
For the information about the Packard Foundation Headquarters Building and the attentive responses to the many follow-up questions.
In addition, I would like to thank the professionals who provided valuable meeting time, additional information and reference documents for the case study buildings, invaluable for this publication:
Allan Daly, The Taylor Group (Classroom & Office Building, UC Merced)
Hormoz Janssens, Interface Engineering (Stevens Library at Sacred Heart Schools) Steve Gross, Interface Engineering (Stevens Library at Sacred Heart Schools) Andrew Martinez, The Integral Group (Packard Foundation Office Building)
Neil Bulger, The Integral Group (Packard Foundation Office Building)
Eric Soladay, The Integral Group (Packard Foundation Office Building)
David Maino, The Integral Group (IDeAS Office Building)
Janet Nolan, J S Nolan + Associates Lighting Design (both UC Merced projects) Tony Panossian and Martin Howell, Arup (Science & Engineering Building I)
Finally, the idea for this publication and its subsequent support is due to the following:
Peter Turnbull, Principal, Commercial Buildings, Pacific Gas and Electric Company Anna LaRue, Principal, Resource Refocus LLC
Noelle Cole, Principal, Resource Refocus LLC
--Edward Dean, FAIA, Bernheim + Dean, Inc.
Zero Net Energy Case Study Buildings: Volume 1 119

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