Page 95 - Zero Net Energy Case Study Buildings-Volume 1
P. 95
also make good case studies because significant post-occupancy work has been done to adjust the building energy systems to lower the energy demand in these buildings below the original energy budget design levels. This was done based on observed data from the building manage- ment system (BMS) and electricity-use meters on all electric circuits.
In other words, the buildings’ actual measured Energy Use Intensity (EUI)1 is now lower than the original energy design budgets (target EUI) due to responsive actions taken by the University’s Facilities Management group. The nature of the performance issues discovered and these re- sponsive actions are applicable to other buildings of similar design and can assist these similar buildings to lower their actual EUI. Beyond this, because of the presence of energy use sub- metering and the ability to observe real-time performance, the staff have experimented with in- novative ways of reducing energy demand by working directly with the building users. The latter will be discussed in the case study for Science & Engineering Building I.
For these several reasons, there is very good value in examining these two buildings in the con- text of ZNE case study buildings.
1 EUI is given in units of kBtu/sf per year.
Case Study No. 6
Classroom & Office Building
Zero Net Energy Case Study Buildings: Volume 1
Case Study No. 5
Science & Engineering Building I