Page 3 - Flipbook SMK Adhikawacana
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First of all, Bountiful gratitude is always praised to Allah
SWT. that always gives us mercy and blessings so that the
authors could finish this flipbook which is entitled "Success
with English". This flipbook is presented as a partial
requirement for Instructional Materials and Media
Development class in the English Language Education
Department of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This flipbook is
also intended for teachers and 10th grade students in SMK
Adhikawacana Surabaya as additional materials for teaching
and learning English.
On this occasion, the authors would like to express gratitude
to the people who helped us finish this flipbook. The authors
would like to say a huge thanks to:
Rakhmawati, M.Pd as the field supervisor.
M. Hanafi, MA as the lecturer of the Instructional
Materials and Media Development class.
Ervin Desi Susanti, Sarah Lailiyah, and Nurussya'adah
Agustina as the cooperating teachers of SMK
Adhikawacana Surabaya.
Furthermore, the authors wish this flipbook will be usegul
and gives some benefit for all parties involved, especially the
teachers and students of SMK Adhikawacana Surabaya.
Surabaya, 7th July 2023