Page 100 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 100

6.  Bills Recoverable:

           An amount of Rs. 3.11   Crs  are outstanding   under Bills Recoverable to end of Nov‟22

                                                                                                                      ( „000s of Rs)
          Sl.    Particulars      O/B AS ON          ACCRETIONS           CLEARANCES             C/B AS ON
          No.                      1.04.2022.                                                    30.11.2022

                                Item      Amt       Items      Amt        Items       Amt     Items      Amt
           1.                       64      5360       10         328          10       328       64      5360
           2.                     361     31691       154       5927         164       5927      307     25764
           3.       Total         425     37051       164  65756             164     71682       371     31124


             Weekly Finance report is being made available to all branch officers which is contributing
               to transparent working of finance department and also planning execution in time.
             Finance  section  has  dealt    1030        Finance  proposals  which  comprises  of  Estimates,
               Quotations, Indents, Briefs Notes, Agreements/Sub-Agreements, and Variations etc   to
               end of Nov‟22, wherein savings amounting to  Rs.1.80 Crs  were achieved.
             The savings achieved in internal check of Establishment items is Rs 0.47 Crs .
             The  Cogent  and  justifiable  remarks  furnished  to  Audit  with  proactive  interaction  with
               Executive offices has resulted in closure of 15 Audit reports    during the year.
             An  amount  of  Rs  20.93  Crs  pertaining  to  941  items  of  various  deposits  of  Suspense
               balances have been cleared.
              Payment  of  salaries,  PF  withdrawals,  settlements,  and  all  other  officers/staff
                payments to 5928 employees of the division are being arranged online  through CIPS.
             125  MACPS  proposals cleared in the current financial year till date
               5 Completion Reports were drawn for completed works.
               Un sanctioned expenditure excess  over  estimates 42 items  amounting to Rs.11.84 Cr
               has been cleared. There are no cases of unsanctioned expenditure during the current
               financial year.
               4677   bills towards Payment to the contractors, suppliers and Misc bills have been
                 cleared during the current year.
               Settlement of 112NR cases and 48 ONR cases were done and e-PPOs issued in
                 the current financial year Up to Nov‟22.
             Annual Closure of PF accounts for 2021-22 has been done. NPS subscriptions have been
               uploaded  up to Nov‟22  to M/s NSDL/Mumbai.
             Pre-2016 PPOs numbering 10434 have  been revised as on date.

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