Page 132 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 132
VIII Targetted RE Sections for 2022-23 :
A. OHE :
S.N Section RKM TKM TDC Executing Agency
1 SC-DHNE KRNT-GWD 55.47 68.00 30.01.2023 CORE
2 SC-MUE KMC-NZB 51.89 76.00 28.02.2023 CORE
3 JKM-MUE 88.29 123.00 30.03.2023 CORE
TOTAL 195.65 267
S.No Location Executing Status with TDC
1 VDI CORE Earth work & foundations work yet to
start TDC - 31.03.2023
2 MOA CORE Earth work & Foundation works under
progress. TDC-31.12.2022
3 UMRI CORE Foundation work under progress TDC:
March - 2023
4 JKM CORE Earthwork & foundations under
progress. TDC – February – 2023
5 TMD CORE Earthwork & foundations under
progress. TDC - 31.12.2022
6 WPR CORE Foundation works under progress. TDC- February
– 2023
IX. Plan Head- details of Revenue expenditure:
The plan head expenditure for 3700 and revenue expenditure for TRD/HYBunit is
submitted below:Figures in „000
Primary BG/RG Expenditur e
YEAR Allocation Percentage
unit SL
PU 28 1154 1298 112.4%
2021-22 PU 32 11137 5483 49.23%
PU 28 1135 1395 122.9%
2022-23 upto Nov. Revenue PU 32 14441 4784 33.12%
Allocation Primary BG Sanctioned Expenditure age
unit /MBG Cost
1/1 906 100 %
PH-3600[2022-23] LSWP 22789 1906