Page 164 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 164

9)  WATER and FOOD SAMPLES analysis for a period Apr - Nov2022:

             Sl.No.        Type of Sample               No. of             No. of           No. of Samples
                                                       Samples        Samples fount  found Unfit/ Un Safe
                                                      Collected              Fit
             1        Residual Chlorine                 18414              18284                   130
             2        Bacteriological                     645                626                    19
             3        Chemical                            129                126                    03
             4        Food                                115                114                    01

            10) Raj - Bhasha Implementation:
                   Doctors, HIs, Pharmacists, & Staff Nurses are having Hindi Knowledge.  Passes, PTOs,
            OP  Registers,  Sick  list  Registers,  Drugs  Registers  etc.  are  being  written  in  Hindi.
            Correspondence with head office is being done bilingual.


           ARME SCALE –I (SPMRV)                                         Nizamabad
           ARME – II                                                     Mahbubnagar
                                                                         5 Health units
                                                                         3 @ ARME-II/MBNR
                                                                         2 @ SPMRV/NZB
           AUGMENTED FIRST AID BOX                                       1 each @ KRNT, NZB & KCG Station

            ARME  Scale  –  I:    Available  at  NZB.  The  contents  of  ARME  Scale  –  I  are  inspecting  by
            DMO/NZB regularly as per the schedule. SAG level inspection done in August 2022.
            6)  ARME  Scale-II:  Available  at  MBNR  the  contents  of  ARME  Scale-II  are  inspecting  by
            DMO/MBNR regularly as per schedule.
            One  set  of  POMKA  is  available  at  Health  Unit  at  KCG,  MBNR,  KRNT,  MLY  &  NZB  and
            respective medical officers are regularly inspecting the POMKA.

            12) ACHIEVEMENTS:

            1. Provision of 108 Ambulance 24x7 at KRNT, MBNR, BSX, NZB & KMC.
            2. Computerized X-Ray machine along with renovated laboratory installed at  HU/KCG.
            3. All Five Health Units of the Division are recognized as Covid Vaccination Centers being
            managed by in-house staff
            4. Door to Door garbage collection and safe disposal all colonies was outsourced on outcome
            5. Proposals for all colonies cleaning initiated on out come basis duly surrendering the 98 posts
            of HKAs. Due to which approximate saving for railways is of Rs 53,00,000/- per Annum.

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