Page 229 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 229

                                            2020                      2021                    2022 (upto Oct)
                                                  Fine                       Fine
                Description        Persons       amount      Persons       amount      Persons        Fine amount
                                   arrested                  arrested                  arrested         realized
                                                 realized                  realized
           Endangering safety                                                                        43,000/- from
           of persons travelling      34        20,500/-        68       1,52,000/-        58         28 persons,
           by railway (U/S 154                                                                        10  (UT/UE)
           of Railways Act)
           Obstruction to                                                                            10,000/- from
           running train etc          17        21,000/-        16        12,000/-         18         05 persons,
           (U/S 174 of                                                                                13 (UT/UE)
           Railways Act)
           For Inflammable/
           dangerous goods
           (U/S 164 of                 --           --           --           --           --              --
           Railways Act)
           Smoking cases U/S
           4 & 6 of Tobacco          1400       2,38,500       2367       3,21,500       2028           2,51,800

           Smoking cases U/S          166        16,600         05         1000/-          05            1000/-
           167 of Railways Act

             5.  PUNCTUALITY:-

                  ALARM CHAIN PULLING (ACP u/s 141 of Rly Act):-

                         Year               No. of persons arrested                     Fine realized
                         2020                           39                                 8800/-
                         2021                           70                                 13800/-
                   2022 (up to Nov)                     99                                 24100/-

               6. KCG  POST:-

                POST IN-CHARGE:-Shri. Dharmendra Kumar,  IPF/KCG

                STAFF STRENGTH:-

                    Strength         IPF        SIPF        ASIPF        HC        CON             Total
                   Sanctioned         01         02           04         23         28               58

                     Actual           01         02           04         04         29               40

                    Vacancy           --          --          --         19         --               19
                     Excess           --          --          --          --        01               01

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