Page 49 - Go Getter free pdf level 3
P. 49


        2      2.23 Listen and repeat. Look at the        7      2.25 Listen and repeat. Label the pictures with
          photos on page 46 and match the objects           the verbs in the Vocabulary box.
          to the words in the Vocabulary box.
                                                            Vocabulary  Using technology
          Vocabulary  Useful things
                                                            plug in   unplug   turn on   turn off
          blender    DVD player    electric toothbrush
          games console    hairdryer    microwave oven
          remote control    smart TV    toaster    USB stick

        3  Exam Spot   Read the definitions. Write
          the words.
          You use it to …                                   1     turn on              2
          1   dry your hair after you wash it.  hairdryer
          2   make a drink with fruit and vegetables.

          3   keep your documents and photos.

          4   change the channels without touching
            your TV set.                                    3                          4
          5  play games.
          6  warm up or cook food.                        8  Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
                                                            Use the Vocabulary box in Exercise 7 to help you.
        4  Game! Play Three Questions.
                                                            1   Press   to turn    on     the TV when you are ready
          A:  Is it in the kitchen?     1                      to watch. Press it again to   2          off the TV
          B:  No, it isn’t.                 2                 when you want to stop watching.
          A:  Is it in the bathroom?                        2   Always be careful when you   3   plug     in the
          B:  Sometimes.                                      hairdryer. Make sure your hands are not wet. Never
                                                                              the hairdryer while it is in use.
          A:  Do you use it on your hair? 3                 3   First, turn   5         the toaster and then
          B:  Yes, you do.                                    unplug it. Clean it. After that, plug it
          A:  It’s a hairdryer!                               6               again to make toast.
          B:  That’s right!

        5      2.24 Listen to four interviews. What is                                            I remember
          each person talking about? Use words from          9  How often do you use the             that!
          the Vocabulary box.                                  things in Exercise 2? Complete
                                                               the table in your notebook.
          1  remote control      3
          2                      4
                                                               never               hairdryer
        6      2.24 Listen again. Why can’t the
                                                               2–4 times a week    toaster
          speakers in Exercise 5 live without these
                                                               every day           remote control
          items? Complete the sentences.
          1  Because she doesn’t want to get up and          10   Compare your answers in pairs. Tell the
            change the channels   .                             class.
          2  Because he always has               .              Lisa uses a hairdryer three times a week.
          3  Because she needs to                after          I never use a hairdryer.
                          at work.                              Nico uses the TV remote control every day.
          4  Because he isn’t             when he’s             I do too.

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