Page 71 - Go getter level 2 free pdf
P. 71


             A      29  Watch the video and answer the presenter’s questions. Which topics does the
                video talk about?

                 houses    museums    restaurants    tourists    the university

             B      29  Watch the video again. Answer the questions.
              1  Name two things you can buy in the Covered Market.
              2  Parts of the University were in a famous film. Which film was it?
              3  What can you see at the Natural History Museum?
              4  Name two other things you can do in Oxford.

             C  Would you like to visit Oxford? Why/Why not? Discuss your answers as a class.

               PR JECT                                             A journey around …          V  V

                                                                   This is … It’s in / near / 20 kilometres from …
                                                                   It’s … years old.
                                                                   It’s interesting because …
           ť Work in groups. Make a digital presentation
             of a place of interest in your town, city or
           ť Choose a place and discuss your ideas.
             Use these questions to help you.
               Where is it?
               What do we know about it?
               What can you do there?                      3H
               Why is it interesting?                      3 3
           ť Plan your presentation. Decide who              ť  Write the text of the presentation.
             searches the Internet for interesting           ť  Put your texts and photos together.
             information, who looks for the photos           ť  Share your presentation with the class.
             and pictures, etc.                                 Which is your favourite presentation? Why?

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