Page 78 - Go getter level 2 free pdf
P. 78

6.4                 Communication  I can ask for and give permission.

          Can I borrow your trainers?

     Lucas sometimes forgets things. Today was a typical day!

      Lucas:    Oh, no. I haven't got my pencil case.
             Can I borrow a pen, Tom?
      Tom:   Sure, Lucas, no problem.
      Lucas: Thanks!

      Lucas:    Oh no, I left my phone at home.
             Is it OK if I use your mobile?
      Tom:   Oh Lucas! Not again. No, sorry …
      Lucas:  Please Tom …
      Tom:   Oh, all right … just be quick!
      Lucas:    Where are my trainers? They aren’t
             in my bag. Er … Can I borrow your trainers?
       Tom:     No, sorry, you can’t. I only have one pair
              … and anyway, they’re too big for you!

         1      34       3.9 Watch or listen and read.         4  In pairs, ask for and give permission.
            Answer the questions.
                                                                1  You want to go to a party. Ask your mum.
          1 Where are Tom and Lucas?                             A:  Is it OK if I go to a party on Sunday evening?
            2 What three things does Lucas need?                 B:   No, sorry. You’ve got school on Monday.
                                                                2  You want to use your sister's tablet. Ask her.
         2     .  3.10 Listen and repeat.
                                                                3  Y
                                                                3   You want to leave the classroom and get
                                                                    some water. Ask your teacher.
            Communication                                       4   You want to wear your friend's jacket to
                                                                     ou w
            Asking for and giving permission                        a party. Ask him/her.
            Can I borrow a pen, please?
                                                               5  Exam Spot         3.11 What do the people
            Yes, you can. / No, sorry, you can’t. /              want? Match speakers 1–4 to pictures A–F.
                                          n t. /
            Sure, no problem.                                    There are two extra pictures.
            Is it OK if I use your mobile? e?                    1  Isabel  B              3  Dan
                                 Oh, all right. /
            No, sorry, it isn’t OK. / Oh, all right. /           2  Jude                   4  Jenny
            Yes, that’s fine.                                       A                B               C

            L     K!        Please can I go to the party?
                                    can I g
                            Can I go to the party, please?Can I go to

         3  Complete the dialogue. Then act out the
                       he dia
            dialogue in pairs.                                     D                E               F
            dialogue in pair
          Amy:   Er, Lucas. Is it      OK      if I borrow your
          A                     1
            Lucas:  Not again, Amy! No, sorry it   2      OK.
            Amy:   But Lucas. Can I use it,   3     ?
            Lucas:  I’m joking Amy! Sure, no   4      .
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