Page 87 - Go Getter free PDF Level 1
P. 87
Grammar Present Simple negative 37 Get Grammar!
I 1<; A 1< ;<A get up early.
You 1<; A 1< ;<A get up early.
I don’t go
He/She/It 1<2@; A 1<2@ ;<A get up early. to school.
We 1<; A 1< ;<A get up early.
You 1<; A 1< ;<A get up early.
They 1<; A 1< ;<A get up early.
6 6?092 A52 0<??20A .;@D2? '52; 05208 D6A5 A52 9 3.21 6@A2; .;1 ?2=2.A '52; 9./29 A52
@A<?F <; =.42 =60AB?2@ D6A5 A52 D<?1@ 6; A52 )<0./B9.?F /<E
Alex wants / doesn’t want a cat.
Alex says small dogs eat / don’t eat a lot. Vocabulary Pets
Alex’s mum likes / doesn’t like the puppy
cat dog goldfish hamster iguana
in the photo.
Alex gets up / doesn’t get up before parrot rabbit tortoise
twelve o’clock at the weekend.
People take / don’t take cats for a walk.
7 <:=92A2 D5.A 92E @.F@
D6A5 don’t <? doesn’t
1 On weekdays Jen and I go to cat
1 3 4
school but we don’t go to
school at the weekend.
At the weekend Lucas plays computer
games but he play computer
games on weekdays.
5 6 7
3 On weekdays Jen gets up early but she
get up early at the weekend. 10 *5605 =2A 6@ 4<<1 3<? A52@2 =2<=92
&AB12;A < A< =.42 A< 529= &AB12;A
4 I hang out with my friends at the weekend &AB12;A 6@A2; A< &AB12;A .;1 120612
but I don’t hang out with them on D5605 =2A 6@ 4<<1 3<? A52:
1 92E goldfish / dog ?
B0.@ parrot / hamster?
On weekdays Lian does homework but she
6.; iguana / rabbit?
do homework at the weekend.
B: Alex wants to play with his pet.
A: A dog is a good pet for Alex.
At the weekend my family and I go out for
lunch but we don’t go out for lunch 10 &AB12;A < A< =.42 A< 529= &AB12;A
on weekdays. &AB12;A 6@A2; A< @AB12;A .;1 120612
D5605 =2A 6@ 4<<1 3<? A52:
8 ; =.6?@ A.98 ./<BA D5.A F<B 1< .;1 1<; A 1< .A ?.;;F dog / hamster?
A52 D2282;1 B;A !24.; tortoise / parrot?
I don’t go to school at the weekend. 2; @ 3?62;1 ::. goldfish / big dog?