Page 4 - Eureka 2012
P. 4

Cover story  photo: Cern

                 “Carleton changed its focus. We were
                                                 compared to the event collisions that
                                                                                     Now, scientists will take more
               looking at a tracking detector, then
                                                 are taking place this year at an energy
               we ended up working on the forward   took place at a total energy of 0.9 TeV,   the heaviest boson ever found.
                                                                                   precise measurements to clarify
               calorimeter, which is close to the   of 8 TeV and next year’s expected   whether the new particle is, in fact,
               beam line and measures the energy   increase to 14 TeV.             the Higgs boson, or part of a larger
               of streaming particles. It is exposed   As the collisions intensify, scientists   family of particles or something else
               to some of the highest radiation rates   must upgrade equipment and seek new   entirely. Beyond that, physicists will
               in the detector, so how we built it was   technologies. “We have to start thinking   examine the many theories about the
               significant.”                     how our accelerators are going to run   behavior of the Higgs and they expect
                 Parts were shipped from all over the   in the future,” says Oakham. “Within the   to find more exotic versions of the
               world and, as Oakham points out, “This   next decade, we are planning to run the   particle. In the meantime, scientists at
               is truly an international collaboration   accelerator at six times the luminosity   Carleton continue to work on upgrading
               that transcends most of the traditional   it runs at now.”          detector equipment, and investigate
               boundaries.”                        CERN first announced in December   new technologies that will allow the
                 Carleton contributed two of these   2011 that it had made significant   calorimeter to survive ever higher
               detectors, starting with a prototype and   progress in the search for the Higgs   luminosities.
               followed by years of testing. Oakham   boson and suggested the experiments   For more on Carleton’s ATLAS group,
               points to the advantage of having   had seen “tantalizing hints” that the   visit
               access to Carleton’s unique Science   elusive particle was likely to have a   Also check out the ATLAS website at
               Technology Centre, highly experienced   mass at the 124 to 126 billion electron, and CERN at http://
               faculty and grants from TRIUMF, for   volts (GeV) range. At that time, however,
               example, that allow engineers and   the measurements were not strong   On October 11, attend a public
               technicians to work on the construction   enough to claim a discovery. The July   lecture at Carleton entitled “Discovery
               projects.                         4 announcement narrows the finding   of the Higgs Boson: Mystery of Mass
                 A newer member of Carleton’s ATLAS   down to around 126 GeV. This particle,   Revealed”. Details available at www.
               team is Thomas Koffas, who came to   at the level of 5 sigma, is reported to be
               Ottawa in July 2011 after working as
               a staff research physicist at CERN for
               seven years.
                 Having been “at the heart of things”
               for several years before joining the
               Carleton team, Koffas admits the ATLAS
               experiment was the more appealing.
                 “The ATLAS detector is well placed
               and designed to search for new physics
               at the LHC,” says Koffas, who was at
               CERN when the first collision event
               took place in 2008, and when the Higgs
               boson discovery was made in July.
                 What happens in the LHC is the
               acceleration of protons in opposite
               directions. When the protons collide,
               in effect re-creating the Big Bang in
               miniature and the immediate after-
               affects, scientists scramble to unravel
               the resulting chaos. They analyze                                                                    photo: James park
               each of these “events” and record any
               significant data.
                 The initial collision trials in the   As members of the ATLAS particle physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN,
               27-kilometre underground accelerator   Physics professors Gerald Oakham (left) and Thomas Koffas divide their time between their
                                                 Carleton labs and CERN’s underground facilities in Switzerland.

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