Page 16 - EUREKA! Fall 2017
P. 16

In addition to the scientific legacy we’re building on, there’s

                                                                                                                                        a technical one. All the lessons we learned in making a deep
                                                                                                                                        underground experiment, in making very pure materials and

                                                                                                                                        keeping the whole system very clean, not only did we learn how to
                                                                                                                                        do this, but we also convinced the world that it’s possible to do.

                                                                                                                                 as neutrinoless double beta decay, a type of radioactive   “In addition to the scientific legacy we’re building on,
                                                                                                                                 decay in which two protons are simultaneously transformed   there’s a technical one. All the lessons we learned in making
                                                                                                                                 into two neutrons, or vice versa, inside an atomic nucleus.   a deep underground experiment, in making very pure mate-
                                                                                                                                 Observing any signs of this process, says the Institute of   rials and keeping the whole system very clean, not only did
                                                                                                                                 Physics magazine Physics World, would show that neutrinos   we learn how to do this, but we also convinced the world
                                                                                                                                 are their own antiparticles (a particle with the same mass   that it’s possible to do.”
                                                                                                                                 but opposite charge). “This would constitute discovering a   In the echo of the empty Cryopit, Sinclair explains the
                                                                                                                                 new class of particles that lies beyond the Standard Model   significance of nEXO, which can trace its lineage directly to
                                                                                                                                 of particle physics,” says Physics World, “and would be a   SNO. The breakthrough Higgs boson, which gives mass to
                                                                                                                                 major breakthrough in modern physics.” Measurements of   all particles, might not work for neutrinos, which are much
                                                                                                                                 this decay process could also be used to determine the ab-  lighter than any other fundamental particle. It appears that
                                                                                                                                 solute mass of a neutrino.                            a different mechanism may provide mass to the neutrino. If
                                                                                                                                   Sinclair, who chairs the international nEXO collaboration’s   the neutrino is its own antiparticle, that theory makes sense,
                                                                                                                                 board and is its spokesperson in Canada, is concentrating   and double beta decay can only occur if the neutrino is its
                                                                                                                                 on the conceptual design for the full-scale detector that   own antiparticle. “The physics would allow a different way to
                                                                                                                                 could be installed in SNOLAB’s Cryopit. The push for fund-  provide mass to such a particle,” says Sinclair. “It would go a
        Mil mossus. Ro elliquis qui volessitaes doluptaquas expernatum si destrum sit omnimuscia iusdae. Am nos aut ma voloribus et optatia   ing — “at the couple hundred million dollar level,” he says   long way toward understanding the structure of the funda-
        denderro berit facimag niminci liquae nonsequ atemperspit exerruntenis quid quam qui abor minctor eperfero eseniaesti
                                                                                                                                 — is under way. The project, which involves scientists from   mental particles of the universe.
                                                                                                                                 the U.S., Russia, China and Germany, is looking for financial   “But there’s another motivation, a cosmological mystery
                                                                                                                                 support from U.S. Dept. of Energy, among other potential   that we’ve been struggling with for a long time,” he adds.
        Bellerive, who chairs the university’s physics department.   him. He only sees what needs to be done.”                   backers interested in this type of physics. The experiment is   “Why is the universe here? Or, at least, why are we in it? We
        Bellerive came to Carleton as a Canada Research Chair in   Sinclair and several others, including the late Carleton      so expensive in part because it will need five tonnes of iso-  understand the big bang, that the universe started in a state
        2001, recruited from a postdoctoral position at CERN (the   physicist Cliff Hargrove, were the true builders of SNOLAB,   topically enriched xenon, which alone is worth about $100   of enormous energy. This energy can produce particles and
        European Organization for Nuclear Research) to head SNO’s   says Bellerive. They put so many hours and so much heart     million. To get that amount, 50 tonnes of normal xenon must   antiparticles, and particles and antiparticles can annihilate
        data analysis effort. “What attracted me was the expertise   into making it a reality. “At the end of the day, it comes   be put through an isotope separator — and global produc-  back into energy, and this happened over and over and over
        of the Carleton physics group as a whole,” says Bellerive.   down to passion,” says Bellerive. “It comes down to physi-  tion of xenon, a byproduct of liquid oxygen used in the steel   again as the universe cooled and expanded. But at the end
        “But I quickly realized the intellect of David and his vision   cists who really want to understand how things work. Deep   making industry, is only about 40 tonnes per year, much of   of that process, we were left with just particles. So there
        for SNO. We built the thing, and it would have been a shame   inside, that’s what they want. They build on the generation   it ending up in car headlights, plasma televisions and space-  must be a symmetry between matter and antimatter, par-
        if we weren’t the leader for the data analysis.        that came before, and create opportunities for the next one       craft ion drives.                                     ticles and their antiparticles, and we don’t know what that is.
          “For me, SNO was a new thing,” he continues, “because   to follow.”                                                      If the funding for nEXO was secured tomorrow, it still   “One of the really surprising outcomes of SNO — maybe
        I had worked on a collider experiment at CERN. I helped                                                                  would take about six years to build the experiment, and   the most significant outcome of SNO — is that maybe the
        bring in some cross-pollination, and a new technique for   Even though he is officially retired — a move he made three   another six years to take data. But to Sinclair, the wait — and   answer lies in the properties of neutrinos. The arguments
        data analysis — a novel, more modern, multi-variable analy-  years ago to allow Carleton to hire new physics faculty —   effort — is worth it. “People have been looking for double   are somewhat indirect, but one of the criteria is that we
        sis technique. It’s like an orange, and if you want to extract   Sinclair is in the line at a campus Tim Hortons at 8 a.m. after   beta decay for decades, and the discovery that neutrinos   have to understand the question as to whether neutrinos
        all the juice, you have to really work hard to get everything   a late-night flight back to Ottawa from Sudbury. He’s still   have mass means that we now know where to look,” he says.   are their own their antiparticles. Other aspects of the theory
        out of it.”                                            working full-time, going to his lab every day and supervising     “It’s a very challenging experiment still, but we know it’s not   are going to be very challenging to test, but this is one of
          Bellerive, whose responsibility as a departmental chair   grad students, with the nEXO experiment occupying most       infinitely challenging, so it has new scientific impetus.  the windows that we can look at and see if we’re on the
        is to ensure that teaching and research proceed, and that   of his research attention. Sinclair has been involved with the   “We set up this lab to do experiments that are abso-  right track to understanding this very important fundamen-
        funding for grad students is in place, is a data analysis   project since its start a dozen years ago, when EXO-200 — a   lutely fundamental to our understanding of the universe,”   tal property of the universe — that we’re here. Because if
        expert. Scientists usually like to do what they’re good at, he   prototype detector using 200 kilograms of liquid argon in-  he continues. “It’s a very competitive and challenging field,   we didn’t have the asymmetry, by the time the annihilation
        says. “But David Sinclair is one of those rare scientists,” says   side a vessel made from thin, ultra-pure copper — was built   to come up with experiments that can distinguish the very   was over, we would be left with a scattering of particles and
        Bellerive, “who is not only a physicist, he’s also a chemist,   at Stanford. In 2007, the detector was moved to the Waste   feeble signals we’re looking for from the backgrounds that   antiparticles at such low density that they never interacted.
        and he can do both nuclear and particle physics, and even   Isolation Pilot Plant, a geological repository for nuclear   normally surround us with radioactivity and cosmic rays and   So, we’d never get matter. We’d never get material forming.
        civil engineering. He has an ability to see the broader pic-  waste 650 metres below ground near Carlsbad, New Mexico.   all kinds of other surface noise that we’ve avoided by com-  We’d never form. It’s absolutely critical to understanding the
        ture. He doesn’t have any confinement. Science is science to   The detector is looking for evidence of a process known   ing deep underground.                                 universe — that, to me, is the main reason we’re here.”

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