Page 23 - EUREKA! Fall 2017
P. 23

preliminary dark matter search data in
        anticipation of collecting up to 10 to 15
        dark matter scattering events during
        full four-year detector running period.
          When the detector is triggered by
        a radioactive event, data is recorded
        from each of the PMTs at a rate of
        about five megabytes of data per
        second. That will add up to roughly
        250 terabytes per year. All this
        information is stored (and backed
 Photo: Luther Caverly  the Compute Canada network, and
        up) at a data centre that’s part of
        is analyzed by researchers from the

          The DEAP team released the
 Vollignis sam quis dolendia dolenihicia inctoratum explit remperum fuga. Nemquatius ea qui utatum  project’s partner institutions.
        experiment’s first results at a
 Cross Pollination  conference in Sudbury in late July, a
        paper that demonstrated the best-ever
 PhD student Andrew Erlandson finds a new home at SNOLAB  rejection of radioactive backgrounds
        using liquid argon, and the lowest
        level ever achieved of background
        radon, one of the most troublesome
 When he’s not on campus in Ottawa,   that had been built on the Carleton   tubes emit flashes of light — they’re   backgrounds in dark matter searches.
 Carleton PhD student Andrew   campus was moved to Chalk River,   supposed to be detecting light, but if they   “The early indications are positive,”
 Erlandson splits his time between   and somebody with expertise in high-  shake or “get noisy,” they can emit light.   Boulay says about the data analysis
 a pair of unique workplaces. In the   energy physics and detector hardware   So the research team is systematically   conducted to date. “We know
 summer, he’s in Chalk River, Ontario, at   development was needed.  combing through the preliminary DEAP   that dark matter exists and affects
 Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL),   Erlandson’s specialty is “muon   data to see if this is happening, and if   our universe at many scales. The
 the country’s leading nuclear science   tomography,” an imaging technique that   it’s causing a background disturbance   hypothesis that many people have
 and technology organization, a two-  uses cosmic ray muons to generate 3D   they need to be worried about. He’s also   is that it’s a new particle that we’ll
 hour drive up the Ottawa River from   images of volumes. It was developed   looking at effects of “process systems” on   be able to detect directly. What
 the capital, where he’s been working   in the 1950s, and was famously used   detector data: if a cryogenic cooler starts   we don’t know is the mass of that
 as a physicist since 2013. Throughout   by American physicist Luis Alvarez in   up or shuts down and thermodynamic   particle, or how often it will interact
 the academic year — thanks to a CNL   the 1960s to look for hidden chambers   changes happen — if the liquid argon   with regular matter. When you mount
 program that covers educational   inside a pyramid in Giza. Muon detector   starts to change in density — some   an experiment like this, those two
 expenses for exceptional employees —   technology only caught up in 1980s   of the characteristics of the detector   parameters are unknowns, and if you   Photo: Luther Caverly
 he takes periodic trips to SNOLAB to   and 1990s, built out of recycled particle   could change. This has to be very well   observe something you can pinpoint
 assist his PhD supervisor Mark Boulay   detectors from collider experiments.   understood.  which sets of those parameters — dark
 on the DEAP-3600 project.  “These things are very expensive to   “It puts everything in perspective   matter particle mass and its probability
 “It’s very convenient,” Erlandson says   build, and after experiments are finished   because I’m used to seeing everything on   of interacting — are consistent with the   Mil mossus. Ro elliquis qui volessitaes doluptaquas expernatum si destrum sit
                                             omnimuscia iusdae. Am nos aut ma voloribus et optatia denderro berit facimag niminci
 about the geographic proximity that   they typically sit and collect dust,” he   computer screens,” Erlandson says about   observation. If you don’t see anything,   liquae nonsequ atemperspit exerruntenis quid quam qui abor minctor eperfero eseniaesti
 makes it easy to travel between the   says. “Might as well re-use them.”  his time onsite at SNOLAB. “Seeing how   you can rule out part of that parameter
 three sites. “There’s so much world-  Despite his focus on this work at   large the detector and laboratory space   space and push farther and farther
 class research going on in this part of   CNL, when Erlandson’s colleagues   are definitely gives me a better grasp of   down in sensitivity.  go in particle physics.”  Boulay. “Most experiments right now
 Ontario. Canadian Nuclear Laboratories   told him about the DEAP project, he   the context for all the analysis.”  “It’s extremely exciting be part of   After getting his training and   in particle astrophysics are probing the
 and SNOLAB both attract people   contacted Boulay and asked about   As the experiment progresses,   this experiment,” he continues. “It’s   starting his research career on the   unknown. In the case of SNO, we knew
 from all over the world, and Carleton’s   starting a PhD. “The potential for   Erlandson explains in the SNOLAB   exciting to have the world’s leading   SNO experiment, DEAP is a natural   we would either see that neutrinos
 physics program also attracts people   discovery is so high, it’s a world leader,   lunchroom, his role will evolve. He’s not   facility for underground science so   evolution for Boulay. There’s pressure   changed flavour or they didn’t —
 from all over the world, so there’s a lot   the first liquid argon detector of its   sure exactly what he’ll be doing in the   easily accessible to us. At any point in   to maintain the high standards that   and either one of those would have
 of cross-pollination of ideas.”  kind, that’s what really drew me,”   years ahead, although the possibility   the next six months or year, we may   were set with SNO, he says. Although,   been a momentous result. Now we’re
 Before starting at CNL, Erlandson   says Erlandson. “Thinking in a more   of using liquid argon and dark matter   for the first time see direct evidence   in a sense, that foundational work   searching for things with experiments
 did a master’s degree at Carleton,   practical sense, the technology that’s   technology for nuclear security research   of this material that essentially the   would be considered low-hanging fruit   such as DEAP and nEXO and there’s
 working with professor John Armitage   being developed for DEAP could down   is intriguing. Erlandson never saw   universe is made of. It would certainly   today — “they knew what they were   not really a firm prediction about what
 on a prototype muon detector to   the line be used for other applications.”  himself working at SNOLAB, but, as is   be a paradigm shift. Once you have   looking for” — whereas DEAP is more   we will see. So, we’re more in a search
 detect illicit nuclear materials at ports   In the early stages of the experiment,   often the case when particles or people   direct observation of a dark matter   of a voyage into the unknown. “With   mode, trying to discover the unknown.
 of entry. “It was nuclear security and   Erlandson has primarily been looking at   collide, you can never be sure of the   particle, you can start looking in more   SNO, we knew one way or the other, as   “The way I would phrase it, we’re
 particle physics coming together,”   some “instrumental affects” that were   results. “I talked to the right person on   detail at the data and rule out or rule   long as the experiment could be made   opening a new window on the universe
 he says — a combination that led to   observed during the original operation of   the right day, and we talked about the   in various theories of particle physics.   to work technically, that the answer   that we haven’t looked through
 his opportunity at CNL. A detector   the detector. Sometimes photomultiplier   right thing, which sent me on this path.”  It will provide a road map for where to   would be extremely interesting,’ says   before.”

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