Page 5 - Eureka-2013
P. 5

PrOfEssOr Miklós CsörGO
 Mathematics                                               Almost every day – including   fellow professors Dawson
                                                           weekends – Miklós Csörgo
                                                                                    and Rao. “We managed to
                                                           can be found in his Herzberg
                                                                                    put the school on the map in
                                                           office. He still leaves post-
                                                                                    probability and statistics,”
 and Statistics                                            it notes on his door for   Csörgo says. “At the same
                                                                                    time, there were outstanding
                                                           students who wish to make
                                                           an appointment, or they can
                                                                                    people in algebra.”
                                                           see him on the spot. “I used
                                                                                      He retired from Carleton
                                                           to have that policy, and I still   on July 1, 1997, but remains
                                                           have it,” he says with a smile.  active as a Distinguished   Mathematics and Statistics
                                                             Csörgo started at Carleton   Research Professor. Since
                                                           in 1971, leaving his position   retiring, Csörgo has
                                                         photo: Kristy Strauss  the FLQ crisis. When he   and continues to attend
                                                           at McGill University during
                                                                                    overseen six PhD students,
                                                           began at Carleton, he taught
                                                                                    conferences around the world
                                                           three classes each semester.
                                                                                    – including as a keynote
        Professors Jon Rao and Miklós Csörgo seated outside the Herzberg building   He remembers the high-  speaker.
        which houses the School of Mathematics and Statistics.  calibre staff he worked
                                                           alongside – including his
        PrOfEssOr MizAn rAhMAn                             PrOfEssOr JOn rAO
        When Professor Mizan     introduced, I guess I was the   Professor Jon Rao came to   an NSERC grant – along with
        Rahman started with the   sacrificial lamb,” he laughs.   Carleton in 1973, and had   some of his fellow retirees in
        Department of Mathematics   “Somehow, I managed. But I   a joint appointment with   mathematics.
        and Statistics in 1965,   can’t say I was a television   Statistics Canada at the   “I have such a schedule,
        there were about 16 faculty   star.”               time. He consulted with the   you wouldn’t believe,” Rao
        members at the time. He was   As a Distinguished   government department    says, adding he’s spoken
        part of five new recruits,   Research Professor, Rahman   while teaching full time at   or has plans to speak
        and had a special bond   still researches and publishes   Carleton – and still consults   at seminars this year in
        with them. “We were like   papers. He travels and writes   today, even after retiring   Brussels, Milan, Montreal,
        family – except we had   regularly, and plans to go to   from teaching in 2000. “Many   Bangkok and Bogota. He’s
        separate dwellings,” he says   India in November 2013. He   of my former students are   particularly proud of how
        of his former colleagues.   values his role at Carleton,   employed there, some at the   far the school has come
        “We would organize bowling   and still enjoys coming to   director level,” Rao says. “It’s   over the years – including
        nights together.”  Rahman   campus five days a week.   like a family when I go there.”  being named one of the
        particularly remembers   “I need to be around this   Since becoming a       top statistics schools in
        being the test subject for   campus.  I need to go to the   Distinguished Research   the world in the Canadian
        new technology early in his   swimming pool,” he says.   Professor, Rao says he hasn’t   Journal of Statistics.
        career at Carleton.  “When   “I’m a morning person. If you   slowed down. He still looks
        the so-called closed circuit   knock on my door at 7 a.m.,   after PhD students, and has
        television instruction was   I’m here.”
        PrOfEssOr JOhn DixOn
        Professor John Dixon takes   teach something different
        it a bit easier now that he’s   every year,” he says. “I had
        retired. The Distinguished   that opportunity in this
        Research Professor started   department.”
        at Carleton in 1968, and   He also remembers the
        received his DRP title   informality at Carleton
        when he retired in 2002.    when he arrived in 1968.
        Dixon continues to write,   “The president at the time,
        referee and review papers   Davidson Dunton, would
        and attends seminars and   host a party on campus
        colloquia.               at the start of each school
          Looking back, he says   year.”                                                                     photo: Kristy Strauss
        he particularly enjoyed   people.math.carleton.
        teaching the various levels   ca/~jdixon/
        and classes. “I liked to                           Professors (left to right) Vlastimil Dlab, John Dixon and Don Dawson were
                                                           all appointed Distinguished Research Professors.

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