Page 9 - Eureka! Fall 2008
P. 9

Code word:


 Research news  I raphy involved shifting letters of the   and research. “What is a mathemati-  Accelerating research  Faculty news
          n its early and simplest form, cryptog-
                                          cian?” he asks with a grin. “A person
                                                                            The Natural Sciences and Engineering
        alphabet by a fixed number of positions.
                                          with problems.”
                                                                            Research Council (NSERC) introduced
                                            Helping him to solve them, a new
        Named Caesar’s code, the shift turned
                                          funding stream introduced by the Natu-
        plain text into jumbled letters, disguis-
                                                                            the Discovery Accelerator Supplements
        ing messages sent from Julius Caesar to
                                                                            program to provide substantial and timely
                                          ral Sciences and Engineering Research
                                                                            additional resources to accelerate progress
                                          Council (NSERC) will allow Panario
        his generals. In the digital age, cryp-
 Photo by Dion Manastyrski Ministry of Forests, Southern Interior Forest Region  tography has turned to simple looking   to hire a post-doctoral researcher and   and maximize the impact of outstanding
                                          more students to help decode math-
        equations like a = xⁿ that underlie many
                                                                            research programs. Valued at $120,000
        applications designed to protect every-
                                                                            over three years, the supplements provide
                                          ematical secrets in his two areas of
                                                                            recipients with additional resources to
        thing from government secrets to your
                                          research. He works on the average-case
                                                                            expand their research group, purchase or
                                          analysis of algorithms to understand
        online banking.
                                                                            get access to specialized equipment, or for
                                          how they behave and why one performs
          While a can be calculated from x and
                                                                            other initiatives that would accelerate the
        n, there is no fast way of computing
                                          better than another. He also studies
        the discrete logarithm n if a and x are
        known, making encryption based on   computations in finite fields and their   progress of their research program.
                                                                              Patrick Morin, associate professor in
                                          application in cryptography, coding
 Jayne Yack’s research has identified how butter-                           computer science, will use his award to
 Listen up!  bats and birds and how caterpillars use vibrations             fellows on his team conducting ongo-
                                                                            fund graduate students and post-doctoral
 flies use ears on their wings to detect predatory
 to defend themselves. Now she’s tackling hearing
                                                                            ing research on geometric algorithms
 in bark beetles, above.
                                                                            and data structures, with applications to
                                                                            robust multivariate statistics. This research
 rmed with a symbiotic blue-  study of animal behaviour and neu-  portunity to take our expertise and   will allow scientists to apply powerful
 Astained fungus carried in their   roscience. She has identified sensory   apply it to a new insect,” says Yack.   statistical analysis techniques to the huge
 mouths, mountain pine beetles bore   organs in butterflies and moths, and   “The chemical ecology of bark beetles   datasets that are occurring more and
 into tree bark, releasing fungal spores   is moving into larval insects. She   is well known, but the acoustics are   more in fields such as medical computing,
 as they go. The fungus stops the   suspects beetles also have a tym-  not. Insects communicate in multiple   remote sensing and computer networks.
 spread of toxic resin, the tree’s only   panic membrane that allows them to   ways, so the better we understand   Paul Van Oorschot, Canada Research
 defense against its attacker. Beetle   detect vibrations through the air and   those channels and how they work in   Chair in network and software security, is
 larvae will spend the winter in the   through wood, although the ear hasn’t   the environment, the better we can   using the award to further his research into
 dying tree, abandoning it when they   been identified yet.  learn to get along with the beetles.”  web certificate interfaces, such as those
 emerge as adults ready to find a new   “Ants use their legs to detect solid vi-  Since insects and their larvae use   pop-up windows that ask users if they
 tree, summon mates and begin the   brations, but I think that beetles detect   sound and vibration to communicate   want to trust, temporarily or permanently,
 cycle again.   airborne sound because solid vibrations   with each other, find mates, compete   sites and transactions involving sensitive
 These beetles play an important   decay quickly in tree bark,” says Yack.   for space and detect predators, a   data. Used for secure communications
 role in the forest: they attack old or   “We have examined several regions on   better understanding of bark beetle   with e-commerce sites, the certificates
 weakened trees, speeding the devel-  the beetles that we are now exploring   acoustic communication could result   Daniel Panario  may provide insufficient information, cause
 opment of a younger forest. However,   using histology and neurophysiology to   in environmentally friendly pest   domain name confusion, or trick users into
 an outbreak of bark beetles in British   identify air sacs or sensory organs.”  management. Sound could be used to   this equation difficult to crack. Often in   theory and computer science—after all,   visiting fraudulent websites. Van Oorschot
 Columbia is killing swaths of lodge-  Using high-precision equipment,   deter insects from certain crops and   problems like this, the operations—to be   computers work with the simplest finite   will explore and compare existing and
 pole pine forests, wreaking havoc   Yack is able to detect minute vibra-  trees, attract adults to traps, diagnose   performed more quickly—are done in a   field: 0 and 1.   re-imagined certificate interface design
 with the province’s most commercial-  tions outside the realm of human   infestation in a tree without cutting   finite field instead of with real numbers.   The Discovery Accelerator Supple-  alternatives, determining user attention to
 ly harvested tree.     hearing and record nervous system   it down, or send vibrations through a   This interplay between mathematics   ment was awarded to Panario through a   visual cues and design improvements for
 Jayne Yack, BAHons/84, associate   activity of insects in response to   tree to disrupt behaviour.  and computer science is where the re-  program designed to provide resources   increased security and usability.
 professor of biology, hopes that her re-  sound. She can also record sounds   Of course, beetles might not be the   search of Daniel Panario takes place.  to a small group of outstanding re-  Matthias Neufang, associate professor
 search into how mountain pine beetles   made in different contexts and ob-  problem. Maybe the trees are.  “I am interested in the theory of   searchers who have a well-established   in mathematics and statistics and associate
 use sound and vibration can be used   serve the behaviour of beetles when   “If we understand what trees   mathematics, of mathematical proofs,   research program and show potential   dean of graduate studies and research, is
 to better understand how the insects   the sounds are played back. With a   beetles target—what they like and   while also tackling the concrete prob-  to become international leaders in their   using the supplement to support research
 choose trees and for pest control.  grant from the Ontario Ministry of   how they find it—we might discover   lems in applications, for example in   area of research.  in harmonic analysis and Banach algebras,
 “Plants that are stressed produce   Research and Innovation, Yack is hir-  that forestry practices themselves are   information theory,” says Panario, as-  “This funding is about the researcher,   particularly on quantum group theory. The
 ultrasound as the cells collapse,” says   ing a post-doctoral researcher and   encouraging infestations,” says Yack.   sociate professor in the department of   rather than the project,” says Panario.   funds are supporting two PhD students
 Yack. “Can beetles hear trees that are   doctoral and master’s students to   “We need information like this to keep   mathematics and statistics.   “There’s no certainty in what a research   and a postdoctoral fellow, collaborative
 vulnerable?”  launch this new research program on   things in check.”   Like most professors, he suffers from   program will deliver, but the supple-  research, and a portion of the 2008 Ca-
 Insect hearing is Yack’s specialty.   bioacoustics in bark beetles.   a time crunch. There’s only so much time   ment shows faith in the attempt. It will   nadian Symposium on Abstract Harmonic
 A neuroethologist, she combines the   “We have been given a great op-  in the day to balance between teaching   help me accomplish more.”   Analysis at Carleton.
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