Page 10 - EUREKA 2019_Neat
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Specifi cally, she will be investigating Heading into his final year in
apolipoprotein E (ApoE) and high the honours chemistry program is
density lipoproteins (HDL—commonly Wondewossen Gebeyehu.
known as the ‘good’ cholesterol) Throughout last year’s fall and
and how manipulating them may be winter semesters, Gebeyehu had the
protective against features of the opportunity to apply practical chemistry
disease. through his third-year chemistry course
“Alzheimer’s research has been an – an independent research course - by
end goal of mine since volunteering in analyzing what was in street drugs at
the nursing home that my mum worked a local supervised injection site. The
at when I was young, so I am very project was a collaboration between
excited to get started.” Carleton University, the University of
Ottawa, and the Sandy Hill Community
Health Centre.
“The work consisted of observing
and optimizing the methods that
Giving supervised injection site using a mass
were being used to check drugs in a
spectrometer,” explains Gebeyehu.
back to “This included monitoring the
instrument’s function and stability,
performing some routine maintenance,
Carleton preparation procedures to ensure that
as well as observing the sample
analysis results are as accurate and
representative as possible.”
As an extension to the drug analysis
he did, Gebeyehu works at the
Carleton Mass Spectrometry Centre
Expecting to graduate in June 2020, (CMSC), where he is continuing
Computer Science student Avery Vine says this research with funding from the
his co-op placements have given him the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
expertise to give back to Carleton. (CIHR), Health Canada, and the Walker
A volunteer mentor and team lead at Summer Research Scholarship.
Carleton’s Science Student Success Centre “My work has defi nitely opened my
(SSSC), Vine took on the task of creating an app eyes to the various applications of
for the centre. “I really wanted the programming analytical chemistry. This insight has
experience and was very passionate about exposed me to sectors of employment
both the centre itself and the concept,” says for science majors that I previously had
Vine. “The iOS version was developed entirely not known about,” says Gebeyehu. “It
by me, and there is an Android version coming has also given me a head start with
this fall that is being developed by the rest of engaging in research and academia, by
the SSSC’s computer science team.” attending lab group meetings, getting
The app allows students to view upcoming feedback on experimental results,
SSSC events, RSVP through Carleton Central, and presenting our fi ndings through
get notifi cations and view the resources page reports and at conferences.”
from the SSSC’s website. Looking to his near future, Gebeyehu
“[The SSSC has] been a great way to meet is planning to complete a master’s in
people, practise my interpersonal skills, and chemistry and pursue a professional
gain exposure to so many of the fantastic degree in health care afterward. For
resources that Carleton provides for its the moment, he is confi dent in the
students, especially those in the Faculty of practical skills he has gained in his
Science,” says Vine. undergraduate years.
“I defi nitely feel as though I’m
in a much better position to begin
my honours project in the lab, and
potentially a research-based graduate
degree afterward. I have gained
valuable experience and knowledge
both in labs and formal settings.”