Page 26 - EUREKA 2019_Neat
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t’s every athlete’s dream: to be the best. analyzed to determine such things as
Mathematics and Statistics master’s which plays were most likely to succeed
Istudent Michael Armanious recently and which teams posed the biggest threat
completed an unusual internship to help to the Ravens. Theoretically, any team
Carleton’s women’s basketball team do could use such information to improve
just that. performance. However, “Carleton’s been
He didn’t even need to set foot in the pretty successful, so I think there’s not too
Raven’s Nest gym to do it. much that I would change, since they’re
Armanious was the first-ever participant already winning almost all of their games!”
in Carleton’s Basketball Analytics Internship, Armanious notes.
launched in September 2018 by a Carleton The internship, which will welcome
alumnus and his wife. It was a perfect match: new participants this fall, may have larger
both the Carleton alumnus and Armanious implications for the university itself.
were longtime basketball players with a “In Canada, very few universities offer
keen interest in big data. programs like this,” the donor says. “There’s
Armanious wrote a Python script to a huge opportunity for Carleton to be the
scrape information from a database preeminent school in sports analytics in the
of basketball statistics, which he then country.”