Page 27 - PAT_Myths_&_Legends_of_the_Infinite_Chapter_1_Act_1
P. 27

© Patrick A. Taiwo. All Rights Reserved.

                   became displeased. Given the fact that the

                   Firstborn could only be created with lucid

                   light of The Infinite, it was only be a matter

                   of time before they would be able to retain

                   control over their own wills and intentions

                   which would eventually enable them to

                   transcend the influence of Godrael within

                   their grand cosmic matrix. With this being

                   the case, Godrael demanded that the Firstborn

                   would have their minds intrinsically inhibited

                   from being able to recollect who they truly

                   are and where they truly come from. By

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