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Estimados MABistas,
Gracias a su apoyo and the hard Student Interview Skills
work of the MABA Board, MABA’s Workshop in February; the
Committee Chairs, Committee 61st Annual Installation of
Members, Past Presidents, and active Offices & Awards Gala in
MABA members, the first quarter of March; and concluding with
2021 comes to a successful close. the screening of the
Over the past three months, MABA documentary film Status
continued with its educational and Pending followed by a special
virtual programming, hosting a event recognizing the
Virtual Oath Ceremony and three- Immigration Lawyers featured
day MCLE Series in January; a Law in the documentary. Monica Guizar
In line with collaborating with other bar associations, MABA leaders attended Multicultural Bar
Alliance (MCBA) events and the Latinx/Hispanic Leaders Meet and Greet event. MABA also
proudly co-sponsored events with various bar associations, such as the Federal Bar Association, the
Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA), the American Constitutional Society (ACS), the
California Lawyers Association (CLA), the Latino Bar Associations, the La Raza Lawyers and the
Latina Lawyers Bar Association (LLBA).
MABA’s Political and Endorsement Committee interviewed and recommended candidates for
political and judicial endorsements. Our various student outreach committees were also
extremely busy during the first quarter. Programs such as the Judicial Externship Program, High
School Scholarship Program, and Vice Chair Program continue to advance MABA’s mission to
advance Latinos in the legal profession. I am also proud to announce the establishment of MABA’s
new Undergraduate Student Outreach Committee.
MABA also engaged in advocacy - denouncing the Capitol Violence and Anti-Asian Violence; issuing
statements applauding the Permanent Nationwide Block of the Public Charge Rule and in Support
of the Introduction of the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021; and by signing on to letters of support for
immigration reform.
We thank MABA’s supporters, those that have renewed their MABA membership, and our
Madrina/Padrino members. It is only with your support that MABA is able to continue with our
programming, award scholarships, mentor students, and advance MABA’s mission. I hope you
enjoy the first MABA Newsletter of 2021.
Monica Guizar
MABA 2021 President
2021Volume 17 | Issue 1 | Page 2