Page 38 - 5. UKBM BIG Wajib
P. 38
C. Attaching E. Changing
D. Processing
10. All these sentences are true except …..
A. Biodiesel is made of vegetable oil
B. Corn is used for the production of Biodiesel
C. Ester interchange is the process for converting vegetable oil into Biodiesel
D. To make Biodiesel you must start with ripe materials
E. The process produces Biodiesel and a glycerin byproduct.
Please do the Competence Test from Blossom Grade XI page117-122.
After finishing the activities in Learning Activity 1, 2 and 3, you need to insure
yourself that you have mastered the materials about Explanation text, and make a
reflection by filling up the following table honestly.
a. Table Self Reflection on the material mastery :
No Questions Yes No
1. Have you understood materials about explanation text with the
social function and the text structure ?
2. Can you explain the social function and text structure of
Explanation text ?
3. Can you give some examples of Explanation text ?
4. Can you make a paragraph in the form of explanation text ?
5. Can you practice a speech about explanation text that you make?
If your answer ‘NO’ in one of the questions above, so study again the material from the
learning sources suggested in learning material and other sources which are relevant.
Study again learning activity 1 or 2 which you need to repeat by advising your teacher or
your friends. Don’t give up to repeat again! And if you answer ‘YES’ to all of the questions,
“you have done a great job!” so continue the next.
b. Where is your position?
Measure yourself in mastering the material of passive in a distance 0-100, write it in
the box given.