Page 27 - Outline of Our Christian Faith
P. 27

in doing evil, or in avenging any wrong, but that we will survive all cruelty without bitterness, and
               overcome evil with good, so that our hearts will be knit together with the mercy and forgiveness of
               God. (Matt. 18:33; 6:14-15; Ps. 51:10; 1 John 2:1-2)

               10.18 What is meant by the sixth petition, “Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from
               the evil one”?
               We ask God to protect us from our worst impulses and from all external powers of destruction in
               the world that are attributable, ultimately to Satan, the evil one. We ask that we might not yield to
               despair in the face of seemingly hopeless circumstances. We pray for the grace to remember and
               believe, despite our unbelief, that no matter how bleak the world may sometimes seem, there is
               nonetheless a depth of love and hope that is deeper than our despair, and that this love — which
               delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt and raised our Lord Jesus from the dead — will finally
               swallow up forever all that would now seem to defeat it. We pray this because we know and trust
               that this is God’s will. (2 Cor. 4:8; Eph. 3:19; Matt. 26:41)

               10.19 What is meant by the traditional closing doxology, "For yours is the kingdom and the
               power and the glory forever. Amen"?
               We give God thanks and praise for God’s present and coming kingdom that is more powerful than
               all enemies, for the power perfected in the weakness of love, and for the glory that includes our
               well-being and that of the whole creation, both now and to all eternity. We give thanks and praise to
               God who is made known to us through Christ our Lord and King who will reign over all forever,
               never to be defeated. (Rev. 5:12; 4:11; 1 Chron. 29:11, 13)

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