Page 3 - Exosome 型錄(英文) 歐美版
P. 3
What is Exosome
Exosomes are cell-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs),
they are playing important roles in intercellular Collagen Synthesis
communication by carrying various biomolecules
to modulate cell microenvironment, regulate gene
Adhesion molecular
expression, and induce cell differentiation.
The therapeutic value of exosomes in cosmetics are Collagen Synthesis
anti-inflammation, repair and skin regeneration.
Exosomes may become a positive therapeutic option
for many skin conditions. Control Group ExoCake
Speed of Wound Recovery
% of Original Wound Area
90 ExoCake
Epidermal Thickness +11%
Rosacea Psoriasis Eczema
Day 0 Before Before
Day 33 After After