P. 42

Appendix D: Leila’s Case

        A 38-year-old female, who was involved in a rear impact, motor vehicle crash three years ago with what appeared to be a minor
        impact with little property damage. She presented with symptoms of severe headaches, balance issues and painful muscle spasm.

        The patient’s case went from zero value to 1.8 million. An epidemiologist recommended that the patient undergo a Digital Motion X-
        ray (DMX). The patient almost passed out after moving her head for the five-minute DMX scan. The DMX documented that the upper
        cervical ligaments were damaged so badly that it was causing C1 to slide over C2 causing an impingement in her vertebral arteries
        and nerve roots at C1.

        The patient was previously referred for static x-rays and a cervical MRI. The static imaging procedures were unremarkable for spinal

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