Page 21 - Millfield 20 Stories
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England Rugby star, Chris Robshaw is    Alongside coaching from some of the   Coaching at Millfield goes well beyond
         one of Millfield’s great success stories.   UK’s leading rugby minds, Robshaw   the playing fields. Our Learning Support
         When he joined the school at the age    benefited from the Learning Support   departments pride themselves on creating
         of 11, Robshaw was a bright rugby    departments at both Millfield Prep    supportive environments where pupils
         talent, but struggling with some severe   and Millfield. With specialist staff and   with specific learning difficulties thrive.
         learning difficulties.           small groups or 1:1 sessions, Robshaw
                                          was given belief, confidence and a   Our ISI inspection report says “Pupils
           “When I arrived at Millfield Prep writing   determination to succeed – traits that he   with SEND make rapid progress due to
         and processing information was a   shows today, both on and off the field.  the excellent specialist provision.”
         challenge because of my dyslexia. I had to
         work extra hard to do things that other     “It was brilliant for me at Millfield. It was
         people found pretty straightforward.    a long way from home, but it was what I
         So, while I got plenty of support from   needed. It helped me to develop. It gave
         coaches for rugby, I also had my own   me my chance and led to me, ultimately,
         learning support team.”          breaking into Harlequins and England.”
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