Page 4 - Millfield GSG Brochure 2021
P. 4
Two hundred pupils join in Year 9, half
from Millfield Prep and half from 120
other prep schools all over the world.
Between 30-50 places are available in
Year 10. Places are offered on the basis of
an interview with a senior member of
staff, an online verbal and non-verbal
reasoning assessment (‘which can’t be
prepared for’) and a reference from
current school. Around 100 to 130 join in
the Sixth Form. Those doing A levels
require a minimum of 30 points from
their best six subjects at GCSE, including
English and maths, while those doing
BTECs need at least 20 points from their
best five subjects. At the moment there
are waiting lists for Year 9 day pupils and
for Year 12 boarding.
Between 50 and 75 leave after GCSEs
(usually because they’re going abroad or
don’t have the required points for the
Sixth Form). When it comes to university
admissions, those who stay for the
duration praise the support given. Ten per
cent go to US universities, some with
sports scholarships, and the majority of
the rest go to UK universities. Four to
Oxbridge in 2020. Popular destinations
include Bath, Edinburgh, Exeter,
Newcastle and Nottingham. Few gap
years these days. Famous alumni,
especially sporting ones, are too
numerous to list, but stand-outs are
Gareth Edwards and Chris Robshaw
(rugby), Duncan Goodhew, Joanne
Atkinson and James Guy (swimming),
singer/songwriter Ella Eyre, rower Helen
Glover, writer Sophie Dahl and defence
secretary Ben Wallace. Eight Old
Millfieldians competed at Rio 2016 and
won four medals between them
(swimming, rowing and rugby).
In 2019, 46 per cent 9-7 at GCSE; 30 per
cent A*/A at A level (59 per cent A*-B). In
2020, 51 per cent 9-7 at GCSE; 42 per cent
A*/A at A level (72 per cent A*-B).