Page 3 - Year 8 and 9 Philanthropy Pack
P. 3
Philanthropy Global Citizenship Social Mobility
The word philanthropy comes from Global Citizenship is understanding Social mobility is the movement
Ancient Greek (philanthrōpía) ‘love that every person is a citizen of of people within or between social
of humanity’, from phil- “love, fond the world, we all share a common strata in a society. It is a change in
of” and anthrōpos “humankind, humanity and are all equal. Thinking social status relative to one’s current
mankind”. Philanthropists raise about how decisions in one part of social location within a given society.
awareness and take steps to address the planet can affect people living in a For example, being brought up in a
social issues like homelessness, different area. It is also about how we working-class environment as a child,
poverty, access to healthcare and use and share the earth’s resources then gaining a place at university
many others. fairly and uphold the human rights of and unlocking a high status job like a
all. Judge or?
Altruism is the concern for the health Charity
and happiness of other human beings Charity is the voluntary act of
or animals, wanting them to have a generosity, kindness and support
good quality of life. typically in the form of money or
volunteering especially toward the
needy or suffering.
“If you want to do something for your
children and show how much you love them,
the single best thing-by far-is to support
organizations that will create a better world
for them and their children.”
- Michael Bloomberg