Page 13 - Donors Brochure_Neat
P. 13


        Ghia, Nikhil                      Harilela, Dev                    Hodson, Karen
        Gillmon, Paul                     Harkin, Emma                     Hoegh, Thomas
        Glynn, Teresa                     Harland, Amy                     Holland, Rachel
        Goddard, Mel                      Harlowe, Conor                   Holloway, Charles
        Godden, Janessa                   Harris, Jane                     Homan, Billy
        Goethe, Roald                     Harvey, Philip                   Horgan, Gavin
        Good, Rachel                      Hastings, William                Hoskin-Love, Ben
        Goodhew, James                    Hawkins, Samantha                Hoskins, Nicholas
        Gordon, Fiona                     Hawksworth, Christy              Howell, Linda
        Gorecha, Jaydip                   Hawksworth, James                Howgrave-Graham, Tanya
        Gosden, Hugo                      Hawksworth, Jordi                Hsiao, Benson
        Grad, Amy                         Hawley, Adam and Julia           Hu, Karen
        Grafton, James                    Hay, Aline                       Hughes, Duncan
        Graham, Alison                    Haydon, Alexandra                Hughes, Roy
        Graham, Leo                       Hazell, Tracey                   Hunter, Andrew
        Graham, Neil                      Heath, Ian                       Hurley, Sharon and Barry
        Graville, Chris                   Heinel, Andreas                  Hutchison, Rita
        Green, Kay                        Hemming, Andy                    Hutchison, Sarah
        Greenow, Mark                     Henderson, Gary                  Hyman, Alex
        Greenwell, Rory                   Herbert, David                   Isbister, Nick
        Griffith-McCann, Chaz             Hewitson, Rachael                Jackson, Clare
        Griffith-McCann, Janine           Hickman, Christopher             Jackson, David and Heather
        Grove, Alex and Sam               Hickmet, Suzy                    Jackson, Sue
        Gutteridge, Adam                  Hirst, Christopher               Jagoe, Christopher
        Hague, Simon                      Ho, Julien                       Jasani, Dharmesh
        Hannay, Jonathan                  Ho, Tommy                        Jeffreys, Hayden
        Harding, Graham                   Hockedy, Tom                     Jeffreys, Jennifer
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