Page 6 - Donors Brochure_Neat
P. 6


        Lucas, Jim                        Moledina, Angelie                Phillips, Fraser
        Lyons, Jason                      Mufti, Claire                    Philpot, Jane
        Macdonald, Chris                  Mydlak, Karsten                  Pickup, Andrew
        Macha, Jacqueline                 Nasta, Sarah-Jane                Postle, James
        Mackelden, Andrew and Tina        Ng, Kester                       Potts, Diana
        Mackenzie, Ashley and Amanda      Ng, Kong                         Power, Matthew
        Macnab, Sarah                     Ng, Lydia                        Price, Mark
        Mahony, Kate                      Nichol, Marilyn                  Pun, Lila
        Mara, Les                         Nicholls, Karen                  Rai, Theo
        Marcos Flores, Ignacio            Niddrie, Alastair                Ramm, Vanessa
        Marinucci, Irene                  Nixon, David                     Rao, Deepak
        Marley, Fiona                     Nixon, Samuel                    Raven, Jane
        Martin, Peter                     Norwood, Emma                    Rea, Amanda
        Masters, Daniel                   O'Neill, Paul                    Rea, George
        Mathew, Brian                     Openshaw, Peter                  Reed, Tanya
        Mayo, Sara                        Osborne, Ivor                    Renwick, Christopher
        Mazzotti, Gary                    Owlett, Richard                  Richards, Pat
        McAra, Louisa                     Painter, Jo                      Richardson, Philippa
        McEwan, Samantha                  Pardon, Justin                   Ridley Whittle, Gillian
        McGoun, Miles                     Parr, Sarah                      Rivera Reyes, Rodrigo
        McLaren, Kate                     Parry, Nicholas                  Rossiter, John
        Meredith, Martin                  Parry-Jones, Ian                 Rosslee, Diane
        Meredith, Simon                   Parton MBE, Adrian and Amanda    Rudd, Roland
        Meyers, Olaf                      Pearce, Jerry                    Rust, Stefan and Cat
        Miles, Angharad                   Pearce-Lynch, Una                Ryland-Day, Maire
        Miller, Lisa                      Peck Tomanova, Jana              Salisbury, Paul and Katie
        Miller, Lucy                      Peters, Julian                   Salmon, Rodney
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