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D. Instructional Materials
The staff of the Instructional Material committee has its annual collection of
IM’s created and developed by the faculty. The encoder and the critic reader are
making their tasks to have an IM finished and ready for the panel of evaluators.
Panel Evaluators is provided for reviewing the submitted IM. After the
approval, the college is taking the responsibility to produce and do the marketing of
the published IM.
The office of Enhanced Production Committee of the college is in-charge of
binding, production and selling of IM developed by the faculty.
E. Professional Development through Scholarship Program
Faculty manual of the college can be read and be used to facilitate the request
and grants of different ways on how to avail professional development support from
the College. For the other funded-scholarship grants like CHED there are terms and
conditions written in the scholars Letter of Acceptance and Scholarship
The College also ensure the availability of learning support services to the
faculty who is striving to develop professionally, this include access to the Library,
Computer and Hub, and other central services.