P. 14


               General House and Burnham Market


               Welcome to Saltwater, we hope you had a good journey, and

                we are sure that you will enjoy your stay.

               Shortly before your arrival date, you will have been provided
                with the security code details to Saltwater, its fully enclosed
                rear garden and the Beach Hut. These are changed regularly

                but to maintain the highest security and care levels for our

                guests please do not share with others

                Check in

                The current check in time is 4 pm

                This is reviewed regularly.

                Parking and Access

                The drive will comfortably accommodate two cars whilst still being able to
                open and close the gate There are no parking restrictions in the area, so you
                can also leave cars right outside the front fence if you wish. However, please

                ensure that you do not park in front of, or restrict the access to, any of the
                neighbouring properties. Operating Instructions for all items such as the TV,
                Oven, etc. can be found in the top drawer to the left of the kitchen sink.


                Tea & coffee can be found in the kitchen, spoons in the drawers to the right of
                the sink and crockery is in the pantry next to the door. If you are in need of
                something stronger - Burnham Motors, Creake Road, PE31 8EA (01328-

                738387) which you have probably just driven past - stocks a range of beers,
                wines and spirits etc. - as does Burnham Market Stores, Overy Road, PE31 8HH
                (01328-738259) and of course the excellent local wine merchant Satchells,

                North Street, PE31 8HG (01328-738272)

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