Page 27 - Minerva Foods | Annual Report 2017
P. 27

 The Company is a signatory to various agreements aimed at valuing human rights and sustainability
The phone channel has analysts available for personal assistance, available from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday, that conduct the information gathering process, which serves as the basis for the next stage of fact-finding, thus insuring the gathering of facts, necessary data and details in regard to the reporting indi- vidual’s motive and level of commitment.
In 2017, the Company received 125 grievances/ complaints referred to the Internal Ombudsman and 19 cases that were referred to the External Ombudsman, all of which were resolved during the year. There were also 64 reports during the year relating to the impacts on human rights, spe- cifically in reference to workplace harassment, physical aggression and discrimination – all which were resolved during the period. 103-2 | 103-3
Commitment 102-12 | 103-3
The Company is a signatory to various agreements, in addition to complying with guidelines set up by different organizations and fulfilling its commit- ments undertaken with government agencies.
• National Pact for the Eradication of Slave Labor,
involving the production chains of national and
international companies.
• The Working Group on Sustainable Livestock
GTPS), internationally known as Brazilian Roundtable on Sustainable Livestock (BRSL), an organization dedicated to promoting sus- tainable livestock development through chain articulation, continuous improvement and the dissemination of information.
• International Finance Corporation (IFC) Per- formance Standards, the goal of which is to pro- vide guidelines regarding identifying, mitigat- ing and managing of risks and impacts, in order to promote sustainable business.

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