Page 99 - Minerva Foods | Annual Report 2017
P. 99

  General disclosures
Organizational profile
GRI 102: General disclosures
GRI 102: General disclosures
Ethics and integrity
GRI 102: General disclosures
Governance structure
GRI 102: General disclosures
Stakeholder engagement
GRI 102: General disclosures
Omission UNGC SDG
√ 8
√ 16
√ 8
  102-1: Name of the organization
102-2: Activities, brands, products, and services
102-3: Location of headquarters
102-4: Location of operations
102-5: Ownership and legal form
102-6: Markets served
102-7: Scale of the organization
102-8: Information on employees and other workers
102-9: Supply chain
102-10: Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain
102-11: Precautionary principle or approach
102-12: External initiatives
102-13: Membership of associations
102-14: Statement from senior decision-maker
102-15: Key impacts, risks, and opportunities
102-16: Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior
102-18: Governance structure
102-28: Evaluating the highest governance body’s performance
102-40: List of stakeholder groups
102-41: Collective bargaining agreements
102-42: Identifying and selecting stakeholders
102-43: Approach to stakeholder engagement
102-44: Key topics and concerns raised
16, 17
16, 17, 18 19, 48 e 49
82, 83
58, 59
31, 32, 33, 34, 35
27, 83
4, 5, 6, 7
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 85
29, 30
The Company does not maintain performance evaluation on the operation of its administration, nor of their respective members.
Minerva Foods’ stakeholder groups are: civil society; cus- tomers; employees, outsourced workers and their unions; local communities; shareholders, groups of investors and financial institutions; providers; companies in the sector; and the State (government).
100% of direct employees are covered by collective bargain- ing agreements.
The materiality review process carried out in 2017 relied
on the support of a specialized consulting firm, which
used a survey and analyses of information on the industry, in addition to interviews with top Company executives, identifying factors to the success of the business. The criteria for selecting these stakeholders were a high level of demand in relation to sustainability themes and increased legitimacy in their categories.
80, 81

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