Page 101 - Minerva Foods | Annual Report 2017
P. 101

  General disclosures
Economic performance
GRI 102: General disclosures
GRI 201: Economic performance
Economic standards
Market presence
GRI 103: Management approach
GRI 202: Market presence
Indirect economic impacts
GRI 103: Management approach
GRI 103: Management approach
GRI 205: Anti-corruption
Environmental standards
GRI 103: Management approach
GRI 303: Water
Page Omission UNGC SDG
    103-1: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary
103-2: The management approach and its components
103-3: Evaluation of the management approach
201-1: Direct economic value generated and distributed
201-2: Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change
201-3: Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans
103-1: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary
103-2: The management approach and its components
103-3: Evaluation of the management approach
202-2: Proportion of senior management hired from the local community
103-1: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary
103-2: The management approach and its components
103-3: Evaluation of the management approach
103-1: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary
103-2: The management approach and its components
103-3: Evaluation of the management approach
205-1: Operations assessed for risks related to corruption
205-2: Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures
205-3: Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken
103-1: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary
103-2: The management approach and its components
103-3: Evaluation of the management approach
303-1: Water withdrawal by source
79, 80 √
27 √
24, 25, 26, 27 √
52 √
1| 2| 5| 7| 8
Minerva does not maintain private pension plan*. Only official social security is guaranteed to all employees contracted under the Consolidation of Work (CLT). There are also no contractual arrangements, insurance policies or any other instruments that structure means of compensation or indemnification in the case of removal from office or retirement. All benefits relating to pensions, retirements or supplements follows the Brazilian social security legislation.
        79, 80 √
80 √
80 √
84, 101
In the operations of Paraguay and Uruguay no executives √ were hired from local communities.
79, 80 √
101 √
24, 25, 26, 27, 101 √
A routine assessment of corruption risk is maintained, in which their degree of criticality and priority is identified. At which point the Compliance sector creates an
action plan to mitigate the risk on a case-by-case basis. Currently, the Company does not enter into agreements with suppliers who withhold irregularities and as a form of prevention, before entering into any commercial agreement, requests that the supplying company furnishes an anti-corruption policy.
There was no record of cases of corruption during the year.
79, 80
61, 62, 74, 75
61, 62, 74, 75
91, 92
8| 13
√ 16
      6| 8 | 12
  *Employee pension plans are also not offered at operations in Paraguay and Uruguay.

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