Page 84 - Minerva Foods Sustainability Report 2016
P. 84

2016 Sustainability Report
Stakeholder groups engaged by the organization and basis used for identi cation and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage G4-24 | G4-25
 e materiality review process carried out in 2016 relied on the support of a specialized consulting  rm, which identi ed factors to the success of the business through interviews with top Company executives. Based on these interviews, stakeholders were selected from each relationship category (civil society, cus- tomers, employees, third-party professionals and their unions, local communities, shareholders, investor groups and  nancial institutions, suppliers, industry companies and the government), whose demands and opinions were checked.  e criteria for selecting these stakeholders were a high level of demand in relation to sustainability and legitimacy in their categories.
Approach and frequency of stakeholder engagement G4-26
Approach to stakeholder engagement
Minerva Day
Phone conference on results
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Talking Livestock (Falando de Pecuária) Ombudsman (Minerva Connection) Commemorative dates
Jornada SGI
Frequency of engagement
Continual Continual Continual Annual
Stakeholder groups
Shareholders, investor groups and  nancial institutions
Shareholders, investor groups and  nancial institutions
Customers, industry companies, govern- ment, suppliers, NGOs, unions
Employees, local communities, third-party workers and suppliers
Livestock farmers and trade associations Employees and external public Employees and local communities Employees and local communities
Key topics and concerns raised through engagement, by stakeholder group G4-27
Key topics and concerns raised
Sustainability, ef ciency in the  eld, raw material market and animal welfare
Economic scenario,  nancial results, Company performance in relation to the national and international scenarios
Health and safety, environment, quality and hygiene of food and household budget
Measures adopted
Promotion of events on discus- sion of topics related to the indus- try, such as Talking Livestock
Promotion of events such as Minerva Day, held in Brazil and in the U.S.A. and phone confer- ences to discuss the Company's quarterly results
Jornada SGI held to discuss and promote awareness on these topics
Stakeholder groups that raised the topics and concerns
Livestock farmers, associations and trade associations
Shareholders and  nancial stakeholders
Employees and local communities
Date of most recent previous report (if any) G4-29 July 12, 2016.

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