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      Quadro 1 / Chart 1
Impactos de clusters tecnológicos sobre sistemas produtivos / Impacts of technological clusters on productive systems
Fonte: Projeto Indústria 2027 Source: 2027 Industry Project
    significant economic impacts. The ability to solve technical challenges increases significantly when different scientific and technological bases are combined: for example, genomics, with high-performance computing for DNA sequencing; advanced im- age-recognition microprocessors with robotics for self-driving vehicles; the Internet of Things (IoT) with artificial intelligence and advanced communi- cation networks for smart grids and traffic control in urban centers.
Despite the differences in their knowledge bases, innovations with dis- ruptive potential have three elements in common: increasing supply, sharply falling costs and strongly expanding markets. For example, the cost of sequencing human genomes fell from
US$95 million, in September 2001, to US$1,000, in September 2017. The average cost of sensors for IoT was US$1.30, in 2004, and may fall below US$0.38, in 2020. The cost in US$/ KWh of lithium-ion batteries fell from US$1,000, in 2010, to US$209, in 2017. In 2017, sales of big data solu- tions were estimated at US$34 billion and may triple within eight years. Also, expenditure on robotics should triple by 2025, totaling US$70 billion.
As shown in the table below, the prospective evaluation of the Industry 2027 Project informs that all produc- tion systems will coexist with disrup- tive technologies within ten years.
Business models and their value chains are evolving into integrated, connected, intelligent and “servitized”
models. They are integrated and con- nected because the different links in the value chains and intra-company activities will be so close that their borders will tend to merge. They are intelligent because economic and technical information will be captured and processed online, so that, using artificial intelligence algorithms, deci- sions regarding actions and reactions to productive phenomena can be delegated to digital equipment and systems. Models of this nature allow companies to provide intrinsically complementary goods and services, or to offer the use of goods in the form of services, rather than selling them.
These models are paving the way for companies to support their strat- egies in new competitiveness factors:

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