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Bova Scholars

       In August 2019 Bova UK set up Bova Scholars, a free online webinar platform for vets and nurses to gain continued professional development

       (CPD).  Bova UK are working with key opinion leaders to bring you up-to-date information on a variety of disease areas in a wide range of species.
       The webinars are available on-demand following the live event.

       You can view and register for the webinars by visiting:
       You will receive a CPD certificate by following the instructions on the Bova Scholars page.

       How to Videos

       At Bova UK we have created a series of “how to videos” that are available on the BOVA website to help your clients use our medicines. The aim of
       this video gallery is to make preparing and administration of our products much easier for the animal and the owner.

       During the videos we have tried to use a range of different breeds and species. We have done demonstrations on short nose brachycephalic dogs,

       such as the French Bull dog, and longer nose, bigger dog breeds such as German Shepherds.

       We have also provided some videos on cats. During these videos we have provided tips on preparing
       your medication prior to getting the animal, to limit the potential stress of the cat.

       This is an ongoing project and new videos will be introduced to the website. We welcome your feedback
       and suggestions.This service is provided free to your clients, and they do not need a log in to access
       the videos which can be found on the Bova UK website.

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