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The Value of Associations - AFI-LLC Newsletter March 2020
Legislative News You Can Use... from NCISS
The primary objective of NCISS is to monitor national
legislative and regulatory activities affecting the investigation and
security industry. A substantial part is to assist, advise, inform and
influence legislation. NCISS actively works to promote the private
investigation and security industry and to educate members and the
public in the advancement, improvement and uses of investigation and
security services. NCISS Legislative Advisory Board (LAB) is comprised of
the leaders of each member State Association.
To stay current, please visit
NCISS Member magazine - Your Advocate - December 2019 Winter
Now available online at - be sure to check current and past issues!
Lobbyit Update – In Congress and Inside the Beltway
As regular readers of The Advocate are aware, NCISS, through our DC representatives at Lobbyit, continue to track the
content and development of the various measures proposed under the general rubric of “data privacy”. Spurred first by
the European Union’s GDPR, then California’s CCPA, Congress continues to work on an overall legislative package which
would regulate the collection of information generated via use of the internet, and provide consumers greater insight as
to what was collected, enhanced control over what information is allowed to be collected, and more say over its
eventual disposition.
As an Investigator, Security Agency, Process Server, or related professional… have you benefited from:
• Having access to driving records and motor vehicle information from your state DMV and private data providers?
• Having access to databases with permissible purposes under the GLBA?
• Having access to Social Security Numbers, Birthdates, Address History and other important information?
• Carry a firearm in the course of your professional duties?
• Having the ability to use a pretext for undercover operations, shopping services and other permissible purposes?
• Used the National Sex Offender Registry (Dru’s Law) for background investigations?
• Used GPS, drones and other modern technology in your investigations and security services?
If you answered YES to just one of these questions, you have directly benefitted from the more than 40-year history of
NCISS, volunteers, and support of NCISS every member. NCISS and membership have provided responsive testimony to
Congress and federal regulators, as well as assisting state associations with similar issues at the state level.
If you wonder what NCISS does for you, view NCISS as your insurance policy. You don’t make claims every day. When the
big claim comes, and the upcoming privacy fight is that “claim,” you will want NCISS protecting you at every turn.
The updated 2020 1st quarter digital Member Directory and Member Guide is coming soon! Be sure your NCISS member
dues are current by 01/31/2020! Check your profile at
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